09:30 |
Welcome to FOSDEM 2018
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Consensus as a Service
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10:30 |
The path to Data-plane micro-services
The State of Go
video - It's a lot more than just a HTML5 tag
A real life story about product testing with robotframework
Cypher: An evolving query language for property graphs
Status of the Apache ODF Toolkit (incubating)
CANCELLED Simulating Multilevel Caches in Cachegrind
Arrival & Informal Discussions
Everything is a device!
Pulp 3 - Simpler, Better, More awesome
The FreeBSD Foundation and How We Are Changing the World
FOSS/H EDA tools for SPICE modeling
Graphics Performance Analysis with FrameRetrace
Community DevRoom Welcoming Remarks
Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS)
BSDCG Exam Session
Convergence of your virtualization and container infrastructures with KubeVirt
Migrating to Red Hat IdM in a large Linux Environment
Declarative Extensions for Kubernetes in Go
The State of OpenJDK
Global Diversity CFP Day
10:45 |
Working in the ODF TC
Italy: the most hacker-friendly country?
11:00 |
Next Generation Internet Initiative
Python 3: 10 years later
OpenDaylight as a Platform for Network Programmability
De-mystifying contributing to PostgreSQL
Advanced Go debugging with Delve
Valgrind register allocator overhaul
Packaging C/C++ libraries with Conan
Gnucap, and analog and mixed signal simulation
Intel GFX CI and IGT
Creating Inclusive Teams in Tech
The free toolchain for the STM8
An Introduction to Ada for Beginning and Experienced Programmers
GPU resource multiplexing in component based systems
NetBSD and Mercurial
Improvements around document signatures and encryption
Performance Analysis and Troubleshooting Methodologies for Databases
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Cypher for Apache Spark
A slightly different nesting: KVM on Hyper-V
Æ-DIR -- Authorized Entities Directory
Media 101 for Communities
The OpenJDK Developer Experience
Piece of cake
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Ligato: a platform for development of cloud-native VNFs
Networking deepdive
Rendering of subtitles in HTML5 with imscJS
Valgrind's Memcheck tool vs Optimising Compilers
The package bazaars and the cathedrals
WebExtensions API status after Firefox 57
Building RT Linux distribution with Yocto
Documentation convergence project for LibreOffice
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Hurd's PCI arbiter
Software Philanthropy for Everyone
freeIPA installation using Ansible
Monitoring Legacy Java Applications with Prometheus
BSD from scratch - from source to OS with ease on NetBSD
ARB_gl_spirv: bringing SPIR-V to Mesa OpenGL
12:00 |
Unix Architecture Evolution from the 1970 PDP-7 to the 2018 FreeBSD
Surviving in an Open Source Niche: the Pythran case
Easy GnuPG
PostgreSQL -- A Crash Course
Testing and Automation in the Era of Containers
An update on VLC and the VideoLAN community
The Computer Science behind a modern distributed data store
GNU Radio Meeting
Anatomy of the OpenOffice localization process
Making the Ada_Drivers_Library: Embedded Programming with Ada
Open Build Service in Debian
Tutorial: my first FPGA design
A tour with Firefox' developer tools
Will it blend?
How to keep your embedded Linux up and running?
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BulletinBoard DHT and wireguard-p2p
Advanced testing in action on a Java project
Antipatterns in OpenOffice Code
gdb tools: duel and @PrettyPrinter
Your Open Source Community Metrics Should be Tracking More than Code
The Z Garbage Collector - An Introduction
Live sculpting a Genode-based operating system
Easily Secure Your Front and Back End app with Keycloak
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ONAP – A road to network automation
Upspin and a future of the Internet
Kodi v18 features and improvements
Introduction to Flatpak
Graphic design tools for Open Source FPGAs
Google’s approach to distributed systems observability for Go
pot: another container framework based on jails and ZFS
Nakadi Event Broker
12:45 |
Analzying Blockchain transactions in Apache Spark
Securing Embedded Systems using Virtualization
A pixel format guide to the galaxy
Community Karoke
Rubber 'Duke' Debugging
13:00 |
The circuit less traveled
Lift your Speed Limits with Cython
Connecting the Edge
NFV a' la VDE way
PostgreSQL Replication in 2018
Dep Deep Dive!
What's new in GStreamer?
Shared Memory Parallelism in Ada: Load Balancing by Work Stealing
Package quality assurance
Funny digital electronics with Open Source FPGAs
Tomorrow's JavaScript Debugger
LPI Exam Session 1
Identity governance and data protection with midPoint
Automating Your Lights with Open Source
Debug your build by tracing and reversing
Observability: not just an Ops thing
13:15 |
Load testing with Locust
PBX on a non-specialized distro
MethodHandles Everywhere!
Passing the Baton: Succession planning for FOSS leadership
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Integrating cloud and container projects in the OPNFV community: Cross Community CI
Networking Swiss Army Knife for Go
Update on GStreamer for Embedded Devices
G-CORE: The LDBC Graph Query Language Proposal
Accessibility 101 (not only) for LibreOffice developers
Ada, or How to Enforce Safety Rules at Compile Time
How compilers affect dependency resolution in Spack
CBSD, Isolation manager
The open source EDA tool chain for the Chips4Makers project
Making a browser fast
Unleashing the Power of Unikernels with Unikraft
Qt in Automotive
Microkernels in the Era of Data-Centric Computing
Implementing a safe and auditable access to customer instances of your SaaS for the support staff with HashiCorp Vault
Urbit: the personal server
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Maintaining accessibility through testing?
strace: new features
Mir 2018
The LTTng approaches to solving complex problems
Top Ten Metrics for Evaluating your Garbage Collector
What community can learn from marketing
14:00 |
Digital Archaeology
Load testing web services at Mozilla with Molotov
Making electronics
Barometer: Taking the pressure off of assurance and resource contention scenarios for NFVI
JITing PostgreSQL using LLVM
The case for interface{}
Modern tools to debug GStreamer applications
Contract-based Programming: a Route to Finding Bugs Earlier
Package management over Tor
Automated system partitioning based on hypergraphs for 3D stacked integrated circuits
Firefox: How to ship quality software
Android Real Life experience in Production
Simplifying the contribution process for both contributors & maintainers
Maximizing UX for Customizing
SaMBa-AD, it works
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Efficient Graph Algorithms in Neo4j
Leveraging Software Defined Network for virtualization
Introduction into the ppci project
Graal: How to use the new JVM JIT compiler in real life
Debugging realtime application with Ftrace
pkgsrc on ChromeOS
You’ve Got Some Explaining to Do! So Use An FAQ!
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The challenges of XDP hardware offload
Google’s approach to distributed systems observability for Go
What's new in Upipe
Proposal for better font handling in LibreOffice
Reducing CPU usage of a Toro Appliance
The many ways of using Guix packages
KiCad Version 5 New Feature Demo
Photon Performance
The RED Method: How To Instrument Your Services.
Componolit - a component-based open-source platform for trustworthy mobile devices
i3 window manager
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Native GTK3 UI
Generic Graphics Tablets in Linux
JVM startup: why it matters to the new world order
DTrace for Linux
Technical Writing for Non-Writers
Samba AD in Fedora
15:00 |
Reimagining EDSAC in open source
Configuration Revolution
Godot 3, libre gamedev for everyone
Fast Packet Processing in Linux with AF_XDP
Blue elephant on-demand: Postgres + Kubernetes
Creating GopherJS Apps with gRPC-Web
GPAC: Support for High Efficiency Image Format (HEIF)
Handling Billions Of Edges in a Graph Database
SPARK Language: Historical Perspective & FOSS Development
Package Management Unites Us All
Designing PCBs with code
The future of the internet from a Mozilla perspective
Keeping It Real (Time)
Logging IoT
Testing and Validating distributed systems
LO URI 101
Rust On L4Re
Evolving Prometheus for the Cloud Native World
15:15 |
i++: run your FOSS off
Class Metadata: A User Guide
A Bug in Your Ear
15:30 |
netmdev: mediated net_device
Building and testing a distributed data store in Go
Matroska Low-Latency streaming
horizon - a new star on the EDA sky
Making the web faster with the JavaScript Binary AST
LPI Exam Session 2
Samba authentication and authorization
Piece of cake - testing remote embedded devices made easy
OpenBSD as house alarm system
Hidden Gems in Draw/Impress Part 2
AMENDMENT DWARF Pieces And Other DWARF Location Woes
15:45 |
It's a Trie... it's a Graph... it's a Traph!
Kodi and Embedded Linux
Distributed File Storage in Multi-Tenant Clouds using CephFS
Graphite at Scale at Criteo: BigGraphite
Java in a World of Containers
AMENDMENT Lightning talks
XWiki: a case study on managing corporate and community interests
16:00 |
MySQL: Scaling & High Availability Production experience for the last decade
IPC in 1-2-3
Starviewer: FOSS DICOM Medical Imaging Software
How to write your own NIC device driver (and why)
The Fabulous Destiny of 0000000200000008000000BB
Computer Vision Using Go And OpenCV
Testing Red Hat Enterprise Linux the Microsoft way
Calc: The challenges of scalable arithmetic
Writing REST APIs with OpenAPI and Swagger Ada
Meet purl: a "mostly" universal software package URL that purrs.
Introduction to LibrePCB
The MDN Browser Compat Data Project
Industrialisation of applications build in embedded environment
Using Cryptographic Hardware
16:15 |
War Stories from the Automotive FLOSS Front
Class Data Sharing
ZFS: Advanced Integration
16:30 |
High performance network functions with VPP
Make your Go go faster!
Current meta of video compression and probable futures
Graph-based analysis of JavaScript source code repositories
EPUB export in LibreOffice Writer
DWARF5 and GNU extensions
How To Make Package Managers Cry
Proposal for an open and democratic Design Rule format
Moby Project and Docker Inc — Balancing community and corporate needs
Beyond the screen
Moving PCI emulation inside of Xen
GrayLog for Java developers
Facing the Challenges of Updating Complex Systems
Towards capabilities in HelenOS
GASdotto: a platform for ethical purchasing
The AMD Linux graphics stack, 2018 edition
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Smart Cards in Linux and why you should care
Dialog tunneling in LibreOffice Online
Hairy Security
Building an integration testing framework
17:00 |
Elasticsearch (R)Evolution
Igniting the Open Hardware Ecosystem with RISC-V
Addressing the long tail of applications
Virtio 1.1
Distributing DevOps tools using GoLang and Containers, for Fun and Profit!
AV1 Codec Update
Browser-as-GUI and Web Applications with Gnoga
Package Management Panel Discussion
Developing an Open Source Hardware Laptop with KiCAD
Asynchronous Decision Making - why and how
Mozilla's DeepSpeech and Common Voice projects
Multitasking on Cortex-M class MCUs
Shaders in radeonsi
LibreOffice for Haiku
Grafana Tips & Tricks & Whats New in v5
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Etienne Saliez - A look at “Natural Intelligence”
Rust versus DWARF versus LLVM
Configuring build base on FreeBSD
Open Food Facts: the wikipedia of food products
SSSD: From an LDAP client to the System Security Services Daemon
Hacking the JVM from Java
17:30 |
SRv6 Network Programming on FD.io VPP and Linux
AMENDMENT DNA sequencing performance in Go, C++, and Java
The UoC Radio Station Project
Good things come to those who wait - BorderFrames and WriterGraphics
User-level networking on Genode
Component Sourcing for Design and Manufacturing in Shenzhen
Analyzing developers network in a community
Moving from policy to action:
Kernel Graphics Development on Remote Machines
LitOps: literature-as-software
17:45 |
LibreOffice QA - One Year Overview
An Open Platform for Collecting data for OpenSeaMap
OpenMetrics - an industry standard for metrics
G1 - Not^H^H^HNever Done!
User Session Recording in Cockpit
18:00 |
Optimizing Software Defined Storage for the Age of Flash
Terra Bruciata
Go Lightning Talks
FFmpeg - The Media Swiss Army Knife
Easy Ada Tooling with Libadalang
Cooperative Communities
The current EU copyright reform proposal: the end of FLOSS in Europe?
Keys to deploy affordable virtual desktops with IsardVDI
Beyond string-based logging
The Chromium project's Way to Wayland
RISC-V Meeting
Reflections on Teaching a Unix Class With FreeBSD
Wayland client basics
LibreOffice's automatic updater work
What's new in Graphite 1.1
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Tips & Tricks to finance an Open Source Project without selling your soul
Why hardware and operating system engineers need to talk
Wikilab, architecture & CNC
oVirt Metrics and logs - in a unified solution
OpenJDK Governing Board Q&A
Why People Don't Contribute To Your Open Source Project
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AMENDMENT Handling media - the RESTful approach
Lightning talk session
Informal Discussions & Closing
Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
Grafanalib - Dashboards as Code
GStreamer for tiny devices
A Journey through Upstream Atomic KMS to achieve DP compliance
FOSSology - OSS Project for License Compliance
18:45 |
Community DevRoom Concluding Remarks
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