09:00 |
Welcome to the Perl devroom
3D everywhere with Babylon.js
Introduction to the SDR Track
Where is LLVM being used today?
Welcome to the Desktops DevRoom 2016
EdgeBSD: Status report
After describing your infrastructure as code, reuse that to monitor it
LPI Exam Session 3
A discussion with Richard Stallman
Minio - Amazon S3 alternative in Go
The Pinnacle of Hubris
FlinkML: Large Scale machine learning for Apache Flink
GNOME Builder, a year of development
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The GNU Radio Companion Changelog
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The OctaForge 3D Game Engine
Automating your Analysis with SAGA GIS
MADlib: Distributed In-Database Machine Learning for Fun and Profit
09:45 |
The GNU Radio Toolkit
WebAssembly: Here Be Dragons
Panorama of GUI toolkits on Haiku
etcd: the cornerstone of distributed systems using Go
Perl 6
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Re-thinking Linux Distributions
Free communications with Free Software
A New Patchwork
Meet a parallel, asynchronous PHP world
Intro to Ruby Devroom
Arduboy feat. the Web: pocket-sized gamedev for everyone
Tempus - a framework for multimodal trip planning
Apertium: A free/open-source rule-based machine translation platform
[AMENDMENT] Apache Bigtop
An update on the state of etnaviv
The State of Linux Distributions
Routing: A view from my local topography on routing technology and Free Software.
Beyond config management
Managing Ceph through Cinder using oVirt
Software Patents v3.0: the Unitary Patent Court
Signal Intelligence Challenges
Interesting Things You Can Do With ZFS
Yocto and IoT - a retrospective
An efficient and thread-safe representation of objects for JRuby+Truffle
10:15 |
Free Java 2016 Welcome - Sunday
Buildtime Trend : visualise what's trending in your build process
Insights into the Eclipse IDE open source project
Genode as Desktop OS
Building Self-Optimizing Radios using DEAP
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Drawing your gameplay: paper & color based interaction.
Automating Big Data Benchmarking for Different Architectures
An LLVM developer setup
Standardising booting on armv7
The n00b's guide to DPDK and OVS with DPDK
Ceph Rados Gateway overview
A Decade of Dual Licensing: Lessons Learned and Questions Remains
From prototype to deployment: Building a REST application using Go
RPerl, Perl 11, and The Future of Perl Performance
Learning about software development with Kibana dashboards
10:45 |
Radio Machine Learning with FOSS
11:00 |
Beyond reproducible builds
Building a peer-to-peer network for Real-Time Communication
coala - Code Analysis Made Simple
Dotty, a next generation Scala compiler
Profiling your PHP application
Unified Framework for Big Data Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW)
The Bitbox Console
Building a geo-aware OS
Continuous translation with Weblate
hanythingondemand: easily creating on-the-fly Hadoop clusters (and more) on HPC systems
Porting LLVM to a new OS
NIR on the Mesa i965 backend
OpenSwitch: An open source distribution for white box switches
War Story: Puppet in a Traditional Enterprise
LPI Exam Session 4
Connected Tizen
AMENDMENT: A Beautiful Build: Releasing Linux Source Correctly
Optimizing JRuby 9000
Contributing to the Graphics stack on FreeBSD
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The rad1o badge
The Enlightenment of Wayland
oVirt - let's hyperconverge!
How choosing the Raft consensus algorithm saved us 3 months of development time
Perl and Mathematics
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Building Data applications with Go: from Bloom filters to Data pipelines
Blender as a generic tool
Results of Google Summer of Code 2015 at OSGeo
Timely dataflow in Rust
AAP: An Altruistic Processor
CANCELLED: Cockpit: Discoverable Linux Servers
AMENDMENT: Linux tc and eBPF
Keeping your files safe in the post-Snowden era with SXFS
11:45 |
Using Red Pitaya for radio applications (from LF to HF)
12:00 |
illumos at 5
Spiffing - Military grade security
RetroPi Handheld Raspberry Pi Gaming Console
PSR-7 HTTP messages in the wild
Improving Postgres' Buffer Manager
Writing concurrent libraries for all Ruby runtimes
RedMetrics - Data-driven Game Design with Open Analytics
100% open journey planning
10 easy steps to ruin your localization
AAPSIM: Implementing a LLVM based simulator
EzBench, a tool to help you benchmark and bisect the Graphics Stack's performance
FreeBSD/Xen update
OVS, DPDK and Software Dataplane Acceleration
Flexibility and Power in Puppet 4 Language
Writing secure HTML5 applications for automotive systems
Open source foundations: threat or menace?
Extracting Data from your Open Source Communities
Reproducible and User-Controlled Package Management in HPC with GNU Guix
Converged desktop experience
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CANCELLED gopy: extend CPython with Go
SDR Track Panel
Scylla, a Cassandra-compatible NoSQL database at 2 million requests/s
Containers and Virtualization
Layers Box
Taxi trip analysis (DEBS grand-challenge) with Apache Geode (incubating)
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Open Game Demo Hour
Mapping with a phone
OpenHPC: Community Building Blocks for HPC Systems
The Fedora Project By the Numbers:
Snabb Switch: Riding the HPC wave to simpler, better network appliances
FAI - The Universal Installation Tool
12:45 |
Advanced Management for IaaS and Containers
13:00 |
RocksDB Storage Engine for MySQL
How containers work in Linux
Knot DNS Resolver
JEP 243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface and what it can be used for
Debugging Go programs with Delve
HTTP/2 for PHP developers
JSON By Example
Ruby and OMR
OSM + SRTM + WebGL = Flight Simulator
Coding the next generation of localisation tools
XALT: Tracking User Jobs and Environments on a Supercomputer
How to use LLVM C API with Swift
HDMI CEC: What? Why? How?
The Universal System Description
Challenges in Distributed SDN
Hardening Your Config Management
LibreOffice Exam Session 2
Hacking on the Fairphone 2
A community take on the license compliance industry
Could Haiku ever become a BSD?
13:15 |
Embedded SDR
Prometheus - A Next Generation Monitoring System
WikiToLearn: Bringing academia to the Internet era
From Regular Expressions to Parsing JavaScript
API-Powered Dictionaries For Digitally Under-Represented Languages
13:30 |
Optimizing Above the JVM in JRuby 9000
Haxe : A language by gamedevs for gamedevs
OL3-Cesium, 3D for OpenLayers
Multi-host containerised HPC cluster
Using LLVM's LibFuzzer to Fuzz PostgreSQL
The CentOS CI: A getting started guide
The MoonGen Packet Generator
Kuryr: Bridging the Docker-VM networking gap
Why a Patent License is Necessarily Implied But a Trademark License Is Not
Going cross-platform - how htop was made portable
13:45 |
RFNoC -- Evolving SDR toolkits to the FPGA platform
Open/LibreSSL in FreeBSD
Tweaking Ruby GC parameters for speed and profit
SUSE Studio: What's new and where we are heading
Supporting legacy application packages on Ubuntu Personal
14:00 |
How to design a Linux kernel API
Micro-datacenter with Raspberry Pi and Kubernetes
Ralph - Asset Management System
Plugins and Go
How to Migrate Anything with Baleen
Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer
Open tools for game design
iTowns, an opensource web framework for 3D visualization
IXA pipes: Easy and ready use NLP tools for language communities
Parallel Inception
LLVM-based dynamic dataflow compilation for heterogeneous targets
Compute Support for Nouveau
Clearwater: Open-Source IMS Core for the Cloud
Literate Devops for Configuration Management
kernelci.org: The Upstream Linux Kernel Validation Project
Status of safety-critical FOSS
PGP Keysigning
Teaching Perl
CoreOS: A Linux distribution designed for application containers that scale
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News from the OAI Community
Evaluating OpenStack Containers as a service Magnum for production
Parallels between GPL/copyrights and secure patent behaviour
Improving Telepathy
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Learning biology with a game
Introduction to MySQL GIS
Using Hadoop as a SQL Data Warehouse
Automated tracking of performance of compiler-generated code.
Free real-time communications for free software communities
Experiences with OpenDaylight Service Function Chaining (SFC)
Comparing codes of conduct to copyleft licenses
(amd64) Assembly programming for Perl programmers
ElectroBSD - Getting a reproducible BSD out of the door
Snowdrift.coop - sustainable funding for FLO projects
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The state of Go
srsUE: A high-performance software radio LTE UE
Adoption's Group Cultural Guide to OpenJDK
MOVED: How to write Ruby extensions with Crystal
Lightning Talks
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The Future of OpenDocument (ODF)
Live Migration of Virtual Machines From the Bottom Up
The Unix history in a repository
Rethinking Extension Development for PHP and HHVM
UPSERT use cases
Perl is not dead,... it got better!
Citizen science 2.0
Managing Spatio-Temporal Big Data through Scalable OGC Web Services
Integrate spell and grammar checking
ORCA: Query Optimization as a Service
Simulation to Aid Developing Software for Hardware
Avoid the maze of container networking
Managing a complex DNS environment
LibreOffice Exam Session 3
GNU/Linux for Safety Related Systems
Who's afraid of the DCO
Make backups and versions available easy.
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Prototyping the 5G Air Interface in GNU Radio: An FBMC Primer
Sulong: Fast LLVM IR Execution on the JVM with Truffle and Graal
Infrastructure provisioning in context of organization
What's new in Perl?
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Meet The Governing Board
Lightning Talks
From gamers to tango dancers
Geospatial and Me
Big Data meets Fast Data: an scalable hybrid real-time transactional and analytics solution
State of arm64
OpenSIPS 2.1 as edge proxy
NEW: Ruby Hacker Space
OSCAR: Address the new challenges of open-source software quality
Eolian: automatic EFL binding generation and more
Reproducible builds in FreeBSD packages
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Synchronization in distributed SDR for localization applications
16:00 |
Scaling and Securing LibreOffice Online
Baobáxia - the Galaxy of Baobab Trees
Introduction to Augmented Reality
Using PostgreSQL for Bibliographic Data
Trajectory: A novel geospatial data model of Pivotal GPDB
Learn what you can do for your language
Apache Flink: streaming done right
SVM on Intel Graphics
Using Project Calico to network containers
Config Management and Containers
Raiders of the lost testing env
Developing embedded JavaScript engine, V7
Pick a peck of license pickers
Perl 6
16:15 |
Wideband measurement strategies: from RADAR to passive wireless sensors
Enabling GUI tools for CMake code
FOSDEM infrastructure review
Increasing access to free and open knowledge for speakers of underserved languages on Wikipedia
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Free Knowledge Game Jam: Bringing Two Worlds Together
Geocoding the World with openaddresses.io
Streaming Architecture: Why Flow Instead of State?
Wither EPEL?
Adapting open-source NMS to an SDN reality
Oh, My! Oh-My-Vagrant (with live demos!)
Running the Processing environment on ARM SBCs
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See you next year!
17:00 |
Putting 8 Million People on the Map:
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Closing FOSDEM 2016
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