09:00 |
News from the VirtualSquare World
Welcome to Graph Devroom 2014
Automotive Development devroom
IP risks for OSS developers
Welcoming and Introduction
State of Wine
Energy scavenging, battery life and should we build more power stations
Logic Programming in Python
Introduction to LLVM dev-room
Rump Kernels, Just Components
Clang: Re-inventing the Compiler
09:15 |
Media wrangling in the car with GENIVI requirements
09:30 |
Sisyphus is Happy
Pipelight - Netflix and more via Wine
Measuring energy consumption in embedded systems
Introduction to py.test fixtures
Javascript Room Welcome
Virtualization in Android based and embedded systems
09:45 |
From 0 to a complex webapp in 30 minutes
Welcome to IoT Devroom
Intro to the SDR devroom
Go Devroom Welcome
Welcome to the Testing/Automation Devroom
Genode as general-purpose OS - progress report and demonstration
10:00 |
python-netsnmpagent -- Writing net-snmp AgentX subagents in Python
The mbed platform
Testing Kernel GFX Drivers
AppStream & Listaller
Research on an Open-Source Software Platform for Autonomous Driving Systems
Licensing and Packaging FOSS with SPDX
Flow-based programming for heterogeneous systems
Working with GNU Radio
Elasticsearch 1.0
Preventing craziness: a deep dive into OpenStack testing automation
Beyond the To-do List
Valgrind Support in the Eclipse IDE
Auto-Vectorization in LLVM
Iris Decentralized Messaging
10:15 |
Fast and Memory Efficient Road Routing with GraphHopper
An approach for energy consumption analysis of programs using LLVM
Linux Configuration Collector
Getting cross-platform: bringing virtualization management to the PPC world
10:30 |
mbed Open SDK & Open HDK
The User Experience
LPI Exam Session 3
Introducing the Eve REST API Framework
Testing of valgrind RPMs in RHEL
The Avatar project - improving embedded security with S2E, KLEE and Qemu
BibOS Admin - a web-based, easy to use admin system for Ubuntu
10:45 |
The LDBC Social Graph Data Generator
Building automotive HTML 5 UIs with Franca
HelenOS annual update
Building Link-Layer Protocols in a Lego-like Fashion
spEEDO: Energy Efficiency through Debug suppOrt
Building front-end JavaScript apps that scale
How you can benefit from using Redis
11:00 |
HTML5 Video Part Deux
ARM: Allwinner sunxi SoC's and the community behind it
What's New in a Project?
Ganeti: the New&Arcane
Memory Tuning Android for Low-RAM Devices
Intel BayTrail graphics overview
Cross Distro Automation
Considering the Future of Copyleft
Current State of IEEE 802.15.4/6LoWPAN Stack inside the Linux Kernel
ANSTE - Advanced Network Service Testing Environment
Stack switching for fun and profit
The LLVMLinux project
11:15 |
Giraph: two years later
Project development & community metrics for fun and profit
11:30 |
The Amazing Wine Test Framework
Federating Access to IoT using OAuth
osmocom: Overview of our SDR projects
cwrap - The libc wrapper project
SQLAlchemy Drill
Cute - a smaller Angular
The microkernel OS Escape
Expanding oVirt's horizons
11:45 |
The Power of Graphs to Analyze Biological Data
Xen on ARM
Open Energy Measurement Hardware
Schema Design with MongoDB
Interfaces: a new leaf for an old book
12:00 |
The Wikipedia stack
Power management: a system wide challenge
Babelfish for DevOps: syslog-ng
Booting Linux Made Easy: A Barebox Update
Nouveau - On-going work, demos and research
Growing a GNU with Guix
Legal issues from a radical community angle
Wine BOF
XMPP in the world of IoT
Some recipes with Alembic
How to contribute to LLVM
12:15 |
Bio4j: bigger, faster, leaner
Tutorial: OFDM Packet Transceivers
Open Low Power Devices
Evolutionary algorithms
Blare: policy-based intrusion detection systems
oVirt Hosted Engine: The Egg That Hosts its Parent Chicken
12:30 |
The Connected Car and FOSS
LTE in your Linux-based system
Measuring application energy consumption with instrumented hardware (workshop)
Standalone applications testing and automation
Post-mortem Debugging and Web Development
Two uses cases for the clang C++ parser: Online Code Browser and Qt moc Replacement.
Mailvelope: OpenPGP for the browser
12:45 |
Bio4j + Statika
13:00 |
MirageOS: compiling functional library operating systems
USE OTR or how we learned to start worrying and love cryptography
Adventures with CloudStack and OpenDaylight
Lumicall - an open alternative to Viber
DevAssistant - What's in it for You?
Semantic Graphs Are For Everyone
State of the Union: What's new in the L4Re Microkernel System
Wine on Android
The Fluksometer as an IoT hub
LPI Exam Session 4
Using a hypermedia API with Angular.js
Helgrind: a constraint-based data race detector
Statically compiling Ruby with LLVM
Scaling with go: Youtube's Vitess
13:15 |
In-vehicle DLNA with Rygel and dLeyna
Towards an Open Source IEEE 802.11p Stack
13:30 |
Android Sensors 101
Javascript for enterprise
Managing data for interactive applications with Couchbase
Tunnels as a Connectivity and Segregation Solution for Virtualized Networks
13:45 |
Managing the Car Cloud connection
GNURadio as a general purpose DSP environment
Secure applications on top of L4
14:00 |
What's New in OpenLDAP
Identifying Hotspots in Software Build Processes
Underwater Acoustics to Opkg
An Introduction to the Video4Linux Framework
See Your Project Pulse in Real-Time with Fedmsg
LevelGraph - a graph store for node.js and the browser!
Taking license compatibility semi-seriously
Performance of Wine and Common Graphics Drivers
OpenTRV: resource-constained computing: less is more
Automation in the Foreman Infrastructure
The next generation Python Software Foundation (PSF)
Porting Valgrind on Solaris
LDC - the LLVM-based D compiler
Write your own Go compiler
14:15 |
Wireless Networks In-the-Loop
Hidden gems in npm
Introducing the Meson build system
Media redirection for Spice remote computing solution
GNU/Hurd DDE userland device drivers
14:30 |
Natural Language Processing with Neo4J
Participant driven discussion
Headless with Cassandra
How PyPy makes your code run fast
Fuel Stop Advisor: the GENIVI LBS APIs into action
Introduction to LAVA
Looking toward Go 1.3
14:45 |
15:00 |
Persistent Memory
No more IPv4
Security model using Smack for embedded systems
How we ported FreeBSD to PVH
What if we could change programming languages?
The Lima driver
Non-Coders Wanted
Why Licenses Requiring Use of Trademarks are Non-Free
Virtualization Dungeon on ARM
Direct3D Q&A
LPI Exam Session 5
Using Gatling and Jenkins to Performance Test Puppet
Using All These Cores: Transactional Memory under the hood (PyPy)
Javascript & Robotics
GDB, so where are we now?
Case study/tutorial on using LLVM in REPL systems
15:15 |
Graphgists - live graph documentation on steroids.
Tizen 3 Application Framework
GNU Radio Hardware Acceleration on Xilinx Zynq
Porting Go to New Platforms
Web and mobile testing made awesome
SQL to NoSQL, what you need to know
15:30 |
Integrity protection solutions for embedded systems
Win-builds and Mingw-w64: Package manager and modern toolchains for Windows
A deep dive into PEP3156, the new asyncio module
Combining the power of Valgrind and GDB
You have a Cloud, now What ?
Read-Copy-Update for HelenOS
15:45 |
SDR devroom closing session
JavaScript in the Real World
16:00 |
Concurrent Programming Made Simple
Using RIPE Atlas API for measuring IPv6 Reachability
Advanced disk image management with libguestfs
Metadata tracker
lima driver: Opening up the Mali instruction set
UEFI is not your enemy
Graph Search
Tizen IVI "from scratch": customizing, building and testing
Licensing Models and Building an Open Source Community
Pride and Prejudice: Testing in the PHP World
Concurrent programming with Python and my little experiment
BoF: Valgrind and GDB integration
An approach for energy consumption analysis of programs using LLVM
Wine hacking session
16:15 |
EACOF: The Energy-Aware COmputing Framework
Bring your virtualized networking stack to the next level
OpenShift & MongoDB
Go Lightning Talks
16:30 |
Visualize your Graph Database
EU research funding - Horizon 2020 and Free Software
Rethinking Resource Control
YARN, the Apache Hadoop Platform for Streaming, Realtime and Batch Processing
Integrating Python and C using CFFI
Javascript Devroom Wrap-up
BoF: Ideas, new features and directions for Valgrind
High Level Loop Optimizations in LLVM
NFC and the Vehicle
The SAML protocol
16:45 |
17:00 |
NSA operation ORCHESTRA: Annual Status Report
Putting the PaaS in OpenStack
Sunxi KMS driver
What Ubuntu Does to Help Users
Jenkins developers/users birds of a feather
PyPy : a fast Python Virtual Machine
17:15 |
Your Complete Open Source Cloud
17:30 |
Generators, or how to step to the infinite and beyond
17:45 |
Closing FOSDEM 2014
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