09:00 |
Open Source Under Attack
SECCOMP your PostgreSQL
STS in Ceph Object Storage
Free Software Radio Devroom Introduction and Hackfest Review
Welcome to the BSD devroom
istsos3: Data Analysis and statistical tools and unit conversions
Do Linux Distributions Still Matter with Containers?
Discover dependency license information with ClearlyDefined
BSP generator for 3000+ ARM microcontrollers
seL4 Microkernel Status Update
How Firefox upholds its values and keeps up with change
Kotlin DevRoom Welcoming Remarks
Close lid to encrypt
The State of Go
Continuous Delivery starts with Continuous Infrastructure
Introducing HPC with a Raspberry Pi cluster
Community DevRoom Welcoming Remarks
Welcome to the Free Tools & Editors Room!
How many engineers does it take to change an IOT light bulb?
Applying Open Culture Practices across Distributed Teams
Insights into the Eclipse Open Source Project - News from the Eclipse Platform and IDE Project
Orchestrating jails with nomad and pot
AMENDMENT Almonit: Decentralized Websites and Web Services
Distributed Tracing for beginners
Checkpointing in a real time OS for transiently-powered embedded systems
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Useful coroutine patterns for Android applications
STAC: Search and discovery of geospatial assets
Identity Box
Janus as a WebRTC "enabler"
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Building Decentralized Social Virtual Reality using WebXR on your browser
Introduction to the devroom and the Open Source Design collective
Modernizing Distribution of SDR Tools and Libraries with Conan
Making poetry with Racket
cargo deny
On-hardware debugging of IP cores with free tools
Thunderbird in 2020 and Beyond
AMENDMENT Android Content Providers for the Web
Tesselle image viewer
Functional Programming with Go
LPI Exam Session 3
Building an open source data lake at scale in the cloud
Surfing the Tsunami - News from the IntelliJ IDEA Community
Building composable IOT toolsets with Docker, Node-Red and OpenOCD
NFS Ganesha
Organizing Open Source for Cities
openEO: Interoperable geoprocessing in the cloud
Librecast: Privacy and Decentralization with Multicast
Build your own ENUM server using CGRateS
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AMENDMENT In Memory of our Friend, Lars Kurth
An event based approach for CI/CD pipelines
A small, FRP DSL for distributed systems
Grafana: Successfully correlate metrics, logs, and traces
Making an IoT robot
From Oracle to Apache - News from the NetBeans Community
10:00 |
Is the Open door closing?
dqlite: High-availability SQLite
AMENDMENT Regaining sovereignty over your router
PWAs on steroids
Landscape of new challenges in modern virtualization platforms
Open Source design - Africa
Fibonacci Spirals and 21 Ways to Contribute to Postgres—Beyond Code
Linux on Mobile BOF
GitLab BoF
AMENDMENT Channel Equalization using GNU Radio
OpenSMTPD over the clouds
What's up on Haiku?
Packaging Rust programs in GNU Guix
Continuous Integration for Open Hardware Projects
M³: Taking Microkernels to the Next Level
Make it accessible
Migrating FOSDEM Companion to Kotlin
RFC 1984
The Rise and Fall and Rise of JPEG2000
Porting Go to NetBSD/arm64
Open Source Hardware and Soldering Workshop
Magic Castle: Terraforming the Cloud for HPC
Linphone Instant Messaging Encryption
GeoServer Basics
Low-end platform profiling with HawkTracer profiler
The next generation of contributors is not on IRC
Evolution of path based Geo-replication in Gluster
XL, an extensible programming language
AI at the edge with Tensorflow Lite to Design the Future of Vertical Farming
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emissions API
New Java Features & Apache NetBeans
GeoNetwork Basics
Collaboration between Free RTC projects
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Write Safer JavaScript Applications with TypeScript!
Public clouds and vulnerable CPUs: are we secure?
What are we talking about when we say "open design"?
How to evolve the GNU Radio scheduler
Forth - The New Synthesis
Homebrew: Features and Funding
rustdoc: beyond documentation
Open Source Firmware Testing at Facebook
Idiomatic Kotlin Microservices
Fixing healthcare data exchange with decentralized FOSS
Rendering QML to make videos in Kdenlive
Build real-world gaming hardware with TinyGo
Mario’s adventures in Tekton land
Maggy: Asynchronous distributed hyperparameter optimization based on Apache Spark
Jaegertracing in Ceph
Sphactor: actor model concurrency for creatives
Run ZFS in userspace
GDB pipelines -- convenience iteration over inferior data structures
The Ethics of Open Source
HelenOS in the Year of the Pig
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OpenBeans IDE - Creating an Apache NetBeans Distribution
A minimal pur object-oriented reflective language
Getting inspired by open software for a web site: g3n.fyi
Rusty instruments
XMPP: get your shopping cart ready!
Tarantool Cartridge
What's new in Samba ?
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The core values of software freedom
MySQL Goes to 8!
The Heptapod project
XR adds: “Try before you buy”
Some Excerpts from the Theory of Design in Architecture
Find your slow queries, and fix them!
Terminus DB BOF
Weblate meetup
A Rose by Any Other Name Would Run Just as Long
GNU Guix as an alternative to the Yocto Project
AMENDMENT How to run Linux on RISC-V
Linux Kernel Library
Is the web rea11y for all?
Automate your workflows with Kotlin
AMENDMENT Open and federated identities with ID4me
GStreamer on the Magic Leap One
Diversity, Finally
Snorkel Beambell - Real-time Weak Supervision on Apache Flink
Engineers, Call Your Policy People!
NetBSD - Not Just For Toasters
Bootstrapping minimal reflective language kernels
The GDB Text User Interface
LSP for Java and GraalVM Development
Stories around ModBus
How to build Webthings?
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Arabesque: a geographic flow visualization application
Test Software On Emulated Hardware In Containers... In The Cloud
Crossing the Bifröst - Bridging All The Things with Matrix
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Creating symphonies in JavaScript
io_uring in QEMU: high-performance disk I/O for Linux
UI/UX Tips & Tricks for developers
purism librem 5 BOF
gr-satellites latests developments
Universal package & service discovery with Guix
Software distribution: new points of failure
Phantom OS
What are the Top 10 Frustrations for Web Developers and Designers?
AMENDMENT Modern asynchronism with coroutines
GNUnet: A network protocol stack for building secure, distributed, and privacy-preserving applications
GPAC 1.0 Overview
From Go to Kubernetes CRDs and Back
Efficient Model Selection for Deep Neural Networks on Massively Parallel Processing Databases
Building Ethical Software Under Capitalism
Astarte: A Data-First approach to IoT
Asynchronous Directory Operations in CephFS
Eclipse Loves LSP - Achieving More with Less
AMENDMENT Open Source - Killing standards organizations or saving them
FreeBSD Around the World!
Boost.Geometry R-tree - speeding up geographical computation.
Optimizing rav1e
High quality VoIP platforms with Kamailio
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Memcheck Reloaded
Monitoring strawberries
Building IoT solutions with Eclipse IoT technology
Cognitive biases, blindspots and inclusion
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Why open infrastructure matters
SWIM - Protocol to Build a Cluster
Open Adult Education: a curriculum to bridge the digital skills gap with free and open source technologies
AMENDMENT JavaScript lightning talks
Lightweight virtualization in the Cloud and at the Edge
Accessibility in MuseScore
A Deep Dive into PostgreSQL Indexing
Kodi Community Meeting
r2cloud - Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI
Reinventing Home Directories
A free toolchain for 0.01 € - computers
Gneiss: A Nice Component Framework in SPARK
Communication Break Down | Coroutines
Knocking Down the Nest
IMSC Open Source Projects
Deterministic debugging with Delve
LibreOffice Exam Session 1
AMENDMENT Advancing the Future of CI/CD Together
Predictive Maintenance
Language Server Protocol & Debug Adapter Protocol to the Rescue of Web Development in Eclipse IDE
AMENDMENT RTC: A sea of opportunities
Testing Navit using Device Farms
Lisp everywhere!
IoT Updates with IPv6 Multicast
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Discover the New Firefox Profiler
Prototyping the Internet of Things with Wyliodrin STUDIO
AMENDMENT Rook Cloud Native Storage for Kubernetes
Choosing The Right Deployment Strategy
FreeBSD and LLVM support
Growing Sustainable Contributions Through Ambassador Networks
Flutter Development in Eclipse
VoIP Troubleshooting and Monitoring FAQs
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AMENDMENT JavaScript on Microcontrollers
LXD for mixed system containers and VM workloads
Gitflow Design
pinephone porters BOF
Platform independent CPU/FPGA co-design: the OscImp-Digital framework
Reverse Geocoding is not easy
sled and rio
Postmodern strace
Status of AMD platforms in coreboot
A Component-based Environment for Android Apps
How Kotlin can change developer experience with modern graphics APIs
Peer-to-peer collaboration, search & discovery
Which video network streaming protocol should I use?
Classify things in Go: the easy way.
Towards reproducible Jupyter notebooks
Querying millions to billions of metrics with M3DB's inverted index
IoT with CircuitPython
Celebrating Guile 2020
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Web compatibility and ML
Buildtest: HPC Software Stack Testing Framework
WebRTC isn't just for (video) conference calls
Emacs Should Be Emacs Lisp - Thoughts on the Future of Emacs
Working with spatial trajectories in Boost Geometry
Bringing back ethics to open source
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Why the GPL is great for business
Improving protections against speculative execution side channel
Apache DataSketches
Are PWAs ready to take over the world?
Building Blocks for Containerized Ceph
oVirt 4k - teaching an old dog new tricks
UXBOX, the time for an open source online prototyping platform has arrived
PostgreSQL on K8S at Zalando: Two years in production
Plain Text Accounting BOF
Striving for Performance Portability of Software Radio Software in the Era of Heterogeneous SoCs
Using systemd security features to build a more secure distro
Open Source Hardware for Industrial use
Demonstration of the Sculpt Operating System
Improve your Android app with coroutines
DAT protocol in the browser: Progress and Challenges
FOSS in Animation
Dragons of CGO
Facilitating HPC job debugging through job scripts archival
Erlang and Elixir on IoT devices using AtomVM
strace: fight for performance
Progressive Delivery
Break your BSD kernel
Introduction to G-Expressions
Secret History of Prometheus Histograms
AMENDED Wazo Platform
IOT Lightning Talks
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Facilitating distributed deterministic computation with WASI
Sharing Reproducible Results in a Container
AMENDMENT Just-in-Time Programming
Go REUSE to license your code
Be The Leader You Need in Open Source
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2nd Generation JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries: Beyond Angular, React, and Vue!
Edge Clouds with OpenNebula
Using biometric gadgets for express-tests in the UX/UI research
Cooperative Perception in Future Cars using GNU Radio
Confessions of a Serial K–otlin Multiplatform–er
An Introduction to the Tor Ecosystem for Developers
dav1d: 1 year later
Advanced debugging techniques of Go code
LibreOffice Exam Session 2
Putting Artificial Intelligence back into people's hands
IoT Projects in FLOSS Foundations
HOMER 2020
PICTOR: A free-to-use open source radio telescope
Let me tell you about Raku
strace --seccomp-bpf: a look under the hood
Projectional Editing and Its Implications
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Geo-spatial queries on multi-petabyte weather data archives
Explicitly Supporting Stretch Clusters in Ceph
Sharing memories of Python and Rust
A Practical CI/CD Framework for Machine Learning at Massive Scale
Building Community for your Company’s OSS Projects
Are You Testing Your Observability? Patterns for Instrumenting Your Services
Nextcloud Talk
14:00 |
AMENDMENT Open Source Won, but Software Freedom Hasn't Yet
SaBRe: Load-time selective binary rewriting
Advancing science with Dataverse
Pushing the limits of the Web with WebAssembly
Baremetal at the Edge
Beyond the Pile of Knobs: Usability and Design for Privacy, Security, Safety & Consent
An ultimate guide to upgrading your PostgreSQL installation
OpenHMD Community meeting 2020
srsLTE project update
Minimalistic typed Lua is here
Introducing libeconf
FOSDEM Video Box
A Brief Survey through Genode's ARMv8 Playground
Loanwords, Agriculture & WebAssembly
Kotlin MP: Into the Multi-Verse
rav1e - 0.3.0 and after
Debug code generation in Go
GraphBLAS: A linear algebraic approach for high-performance graph algorithms
Kubernetes of Things
PGP Keysigning
IntelliJ Elixir - Elixir Plugin for JetBrains IDEs
actinia: geoprocessing in the cloud
Our road to a k8s/GKE based Closed Build Environment
14:15 |
KDE on FreeBSD
Tools and mechanisms to debug BPF programs
Lessons Learned from Cultivating Open Source Projects and Communities
Towards decentralized alternatives for code collaboration
Building WebGPU with Rust
Modern VoIP in Modern Infrastructures
14:30 |
State of Node.js Core
A 'Thin Arbiter' for glusterfs replication
A VM journey from VMware to Kubernetes
Jumpstarting your business with Odoo
Blockchain BOF
AMENDMENT The Space Operations Facility of FH Aachen (FHASOF)
RaptorJIT: a fast, dynamic systems programming language
GRUB upstream and distros cooperation
NOVA Microhypervisor on ARMv8-A
AMENDMENT A Mozilla IoT Forecast thats Sunny and Clear -- No Clouds!
Multiplatform Kotlin Library Development
The Path to Peer-to-Peer Matrix
Spleeter by Deezer
Uplift your Linux systems programming skills with systemd and D-Bus
Selecting a Finite Element Analysis Backend for Exascale Fusion Reactor Simulations
VSCode Extension for OpenShift Developers
How to measure Linux Performance Wrong
Insight Fieldtracks
NetBSD Native APIs - A Userland Perspective (Audio, Input)
neat-EO.pink: Deep Learning Computer Vision patterns extraction at scale
Getting started with FPGA's for Packet Processing
AMENDMENT Jitsi: video conferencing for the privacy minded
14:45 |
Free software in education
The best of both worlds?
From a Pipeline to a Government Cloud
Developer Workspace As Code - Is Developer Heaven in the Cloud?
15:00 |
Regaining control of your smartphone with postmarketOS and Maemo Leste
The year of the virtual Linux desktop
Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit
Serverless.com framework
Back to the future
File sharing & storage for human rights organizations
The State of (Full) Text Search in PostgreSQL 12
Task Scheduling of Software-Defined Radio Kernels in Heterogeneous Chips: Opportunities and Challenges
Apache Spark on planet scale
Integrating new major components on fast and slow moving distributions
Support for mini-debuginfo in LLDB
Using OSHW and OSS for building your custom hardware platform
AMENDMENT Generate a DeepSpeech model with the help of your community
AMENDMENT From Swagger to Kotlin via Gradle
Building a Web App that Doesn’t Trust the Server
Functional audio and video stream generation with Liquidsoap
Deep Learning For Gophers
LibreOffice Exam Session 3
Build for your microarchitecture: experiences with Spack and archspec
Introducing Falconieri: Remote Provisioning Service as a Service
Progress of Rust and WASM in 2019
Engaging Enterprise consumers of OSS
From Zero to Useless to Hero: Make Runtime Data Useful in Teams
15:15 |
License compliance for embedded Linux devices with Buildroot
Management of Storage on OpenShift
Nim on everything
The elfutils debuginfod server
FaaS You Like It: Create Serverless Functions & Run Anywhere
X11 and Wayland: A tale of two implementations
Creating GPX tracks from cycle routes in OpenStreetMap
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New features of Vue 3.0
Running virtual machines out of thin air
Design contributions to OSS: Learnings from the Open Design project at Ushahidi
NGI Meetup
Room Unavailable
SDR4IoT - Using SDR for IoT Device Fingerprinting and Localization
Privacy by Design
MaadiX, your cloud in your hands
Building an Open-Source based audio streaming platform
Speed up the monolith
HPC on OpenStack
Asterisk: A Project Update
Using Micropython to develop an IoT sensor platform with an Augmented Reality UI
Open Source Support Program by OTA
Rustifying the Virtual Machine Introspection ecosystem
Dissecting the inline keyword in Kotlin
Deployment to hardware
Recognising Burnout
15:45 |
Bach.java: Lightweight Java Build Tool for Modular Projects
The history of error correction and detection and how it led to Ceph’s Erasure Coding Techniques
Move semantics in Nim
Divide and map. Now.
Grafana-As-Code: Fully reproducible Grafana dashboards with Grafonnet
Chat Over IMAP (COI): State of the Union
16:00 |
FOSSH - 2000 to 2020 and beyond!
Making & Breaking Matrix's E2E encryption
NGI Zero: A treasure trove of tech awesome
How to create Javascript-powered Smartglasses
Reaching "EPYC" Virtualization Performance
Designing to change it all
Fedora Modularity BOF
Graphing FreeBSD disk utilization with Prometheus
Fedora rawhide packages gating, for real!
Extending the lifetime of smartphones with Replicant, a fully free Android distribution
Unikraft: A Unikernel Toolkit
What Makes People Come and What Makes Them Stay
Decentralizing OAuth2.0 in a post-GDPR world for full privacy and portability
The moldability of mpv
Go Lightning Talks
Interactive applications on HPC systems
TinyGo: Fast, Small, Concurrent: Choose Three
Debugging apps running in Kubernetes
zbus: yet another D-Bus library
How Does Innersource Impact on the Future of Upstream Contributions?
Reach for the Clouds With OpenSIPS 3.0
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Integration Processes
Unit Testing with JUnit Jupiter - How to Use the new JUnit Jupiter Platform
European Software Engineering funded research
Designing an ultra low-overhead multithreading runtime for Nim
Designing a DSL with Kotlin
Getting Your Virtual Hands On RIST
Ephemeral Pinning: A Dynamic Metadata Management Strategy for CephFS
AMENDMENT How secure is your build/server?
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Web of Twins
Pitch your project
Software Defined Radio based scientific instrumentation
VUOS: Give Your Processes a New VU
Who will Decentralise the Fediverse?
Building cloud-based data services to enable earth-science workflows across HPC centres
Monitoring of a Large-Scale University Network: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
Zyre: p2p messaging to fuck the cloud
FOSDEM infrastructure review
Async await in Nim
Wallonia GeoChallenge
Building a thriving community in company-led open source projects
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17:00 |
FOSDEM@20 - A Celebration
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Closing FOSDEM 2020
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