Brussels / 1 & 2 February 2020


Lightning Talks

09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Saturday Civil society needs Free Software hackers A tool for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) management, OpenOlitor What's in my food ? Open Food Facts, the Wikipedia of Food
Mixing mobile crowdsourcing, ai, opensource and opendata to improve food transparency
Web3 - the Internet of Freedom, Value, and Trust
On exiting the system and reclaiming control of our digital and physical lives
Next, the programmable web browser
How the architectural choices and the Lisp language make for an infinitely extensible web browser
AMENDMENT Weblate: open-source continuous localization platform
How to bring your project closer to its users with localization platform that doesn’t bother anyone with manual work.
Kapow! A Web Framework for the Shell Yjs: A CRDT framework for shared editing
Enable shared editing in every application
Encrypt your collaboration with CryptPad
Real demo !
Protect your data objects, not your network connections
Good news for a paradigm shift
Optimizing sandbox creation with a FUSE file system
Using sandboxfs to speed up Bazel builds
Indexing Encrypted Data Using Bloom Filters Verifpal
Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for Students and Engineers
Disk encryption without passwords
RedWax - trust only yourself
Easy Industry best practice authentication and security - federated or just for you.
KDE Itinerary
A privacy by design travel assistant
Gate project
Portable execution state
The pool next to the ocean: How to bring OpenSource skills to more people
InnerSource as a way to teach open collaboration skills and facilitate the opensourcing process for enterprises
Tracking local storage configuration on linux Concept Programming, from ideas to code DeskConnD: Secure, cross-platform IPC on the network
Zeroconf + WAMP = Cross platform IPC
Sunday AMENDMENT Regaining sovereignty over your router
Router freedom
emissions API
a service to easily access air quality data from remote sensing
Git-based decentralized issue management with GitHub/GitLab integration
The Heptapod project
Bringing Mercurial to GitLab
Linux desktops in Finnish schools
AMENDMENT Open Source - Killing standards organizations or saving them
Open source and standards join forces for mutual benefit
Open Adult Education: a curriculum to bridge the digital skills gap with free and open source technologies Prototyping the Internet of Things with Wyliodrin STUDIO
An open source platform for building IoT prototypes
An Embeddable Analytical Database
Apache DataSketches
A Production Quality Sketching Library for the Analysis of Big Data
Go REUSE to license your code
Free Software licensing made simple for everyone
PICTOR: A free-to-use open source radio telescope Advancing science with Dataverse
Publication, discovery, citation, and exploration of research data.
Towards decentralized alternatives for code collaboration
Building Radicle, a peer-to-peer network for code collaboration
Getting started with FPGA's for Packet Processing
Intel FPGA opportunities
Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit License compliance for embedded Linux devices with Buildroot Open Source Support Program by OTA NGI Zero: A treasure trove of tech awesome
Sampling through the Next Generation Internet initiative
European Software Engineering funded research
What has happened under Horizon 2020 and what we already now about the future.
FOSDEM infrastructure review
Event Speakers Start End


  Civil society needs Free Software hackers Matthias Kirschner 12:00 12:15
  A tool for Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) management, OpenOlitor Mikel Cordovilla 12:20 12:35
  What's in my food ? Open Food Facts, the Wikipedia of Food
Mixing mobile crowdsourcing, ai, opensource and opendata to improve food transparency
Pierre Slamich 12:40 12:55
  Web3 - the Internet of Freedom, Value, and Trust
On exiting the system and reclaiming control of our digital and physical lives
Bruno Škvorc 13:00 13:15
  Next, the programmable web browser
How the architectural choices and the Lisp language make for an infinitely extensible web browser
Atlas Engineer 13:20 13:35
  AMENDMENT Weblate: open-source continuous localization platform
How to bring your project closer to its users with localization platform that doesn’t bother anyone with manual work.
Michal Čihař 13:40 13:55
  Kapow! A Web Framework for the Shell Roberto Abdelkader Martínez Pérez 14:00 14:15
  Yjs: A CRDT framework for shared editing
Enable shared editing in every application
Kevin Jahns 14:20 14:35
  Encrypt your collaboration with CryptPad
Real demo !
Ludovic Dubost 14:40 14:55
  Protect your data objects, not your network connections
Good news for a paradigm shift
Stephan Schwichtenberg 15:00 15:15
  Optimizing sandbox creation with a FUSE file system
Using sandboxfs to speed up Bazel builds
Julio Merino 15:20 15:35
  Indexing Encrypted Data Using Bloom Filters Claude Warren 15:40 15:55
Cryptographic Protocol Analysis for Students and Engineers
Nadim Kobeissi 16:00 16:15
Disk encryption without passwords
Teddy Hogeborn 16:20 16:35
  RedWax - trust only yourself
Easy Industry best practice authentication and security - federated or just for you.
Dirk-Willem van Gulik 16:40 16:55
  KDE Itinerary
A privacy by design travel assistant
Volker Krause 17:00 17:15
  Gate project
Portable execution state
Timo Savola 17:20 17:35
  The pool next to the ocean: How to bring OpenSource skills to more people
InnerSource as a way to teach open collaboration skills and facilitate the opensourcing process for enterprises
Johannes Tigges 17:40 17:55
  Tracking local storage configuration on linux Alasdair Kergon 18:00 18:15
  Concept Programming, from ideas to code Christophe de Dinechin 18:20 18:35
  DeskConnD: Secure, cross-platform IPC on the network
Zeroconf + WAMP = Cross platform IPC
Omer Akram 18:40 18:55


  AMENDMENT Regaining sovereignty over your router
Router freedom
Lucas Lasota 10:00 10:15
  emissions API
a service to easily access air quality data from remote sensing
Timo Nogueira Brockmeyer 10:20 10:35
Git-based decentralized issue management with GitHub/GitLab integration
Diomidis Spinellis 10:40 10:55
  The Heptapod project
Bringing Mercurial to GitLab
Georges Racinet 11:00 11:15
Linux desktops in Finnish schools
Juha Erkkilä 11:20 11:35
  AMENDMENT Open Source - Killing standards organizations or saving them
Open source and standards join forces for mutual benefit
Charles Eckel 11:40 11:55
  Open Adult Education: a curriculum to bridge the digital skills gap with free and open source technologies Pia Groenewolt 12:00 12:15
  Prototyping the Internet of Things with Wyliodrin STUDIO
An open source platform for building IoT prototypes
Alexandru Radovici 12:20 12:35
An Embeddable Analytical Database
Hannes Mühleisen 12:40 12:55
  Apache DataSketches
A Production Quality Sketching Library for the Analysis of Big Data
Claude Warren 13:00 13:15
  Go REUSE to license your code
Free Software licensing made simple for everyone
Max Mehl 13:20 13:35
  PICTOR: A free-to-use open source radio telescope Apostolos Spanakis-Misirlis 13:40 13:55
  Advancing science with Dataverse
Publication, discovery, citation, and exploration of research data.
Philip Durbin 14:00 14:15
  Towards decentralized alternatives for code collaboration
Building Radicle, a peer-to-peer network for code collaboration
Alexis Sellier (cloudhead) 14:20 14:35
  Getting started with FPGA's for Packet Processing
Intel FPGA opportunities
Miroslaw Walukiewicz 14:40 14:55
  Quality diagrams with PyCirkuit Orestes Mas 15:00 15:15
  License compliance for embedded Linux devices with Buildroot Luca Ceresoli 15:20 15:35
  Open Source Support Program by OTA Gratien D'haese 15:40 15:55
  NGI Zero: A treasure trove of tech awesome
Sampling through the Next Generation Internet initiative
Michiel Leenaars 16:00 16:15
  European Software Engineering funded research
What has happened under Horizon 2020 and what we already now about the future.
Luis C. Busquets Pérez 16:20 16:35
  FOSDEM infrastructure review Richard Hartmann 16:40 16:55