Online / 6 & 7 February 2021



All times are CET (UTC+1, Brussels time). An overview of room occupation by track is available, too.

Room Seats Saturday Sunday
I I.infodesk 100 09:00-18:00: Infodesk 09:00-18:00: Infodesk
K K.fosdem 100 09:00-09:25: FOSDEM 18:00-18:10: FOSDEM
M 100 10:00-15:00: Community -
M.misc 100 14:00-18:00: Cloud Computing, Miscellaneous 10:00-17:55: Cloud Computing, Performance, Virtual Events
L L.lightningtalks 100 13:00-16:40: Lightning Talks 13:00-16:20: Lightning Talks
D D.apache.openoffice 100 10:30-17:30: Apache OpenOffice -
D.blockchain 100 10:00-17:40: Beyond Blockchain - Distributed Web 11:00-18:00: Beyond Blockchain - Distributed Web
D.bsd 100 - 11:00-14:45: BSD
D.cad 100 - 10:00-17:40: Open Source Computer Aided Modeling and Design
D.openchain 100 13:00-17:00: OpenChain -
D.cicd 100 - 10:00-18:05: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
D.collab 100 10:00-17:30: Collaborative Information and Content Management Applications - 100 - 10:00-18:00: Community devroom
D.composition 100 - 14:00-18:00: Software Composition
D.containers 100 - 11:20-18:00: Containers
D.declarative.minimalistic 100 - 10:00-18:00: Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
D.dependency 100 - 10:00-14:15: Dependency Management 100 13:00-17:20: Open Source Design 13:00-17:20: Open Source Design
D.distributions 100 12:30-15:55: Distributions - 100 - 12:30-18:00: Tool The Docs
D.embedded 100 13:00-18:00: Embedded, Mobile and Automotive 13:00-17:30: Embedded, Mobile and Automotive
D.emulator 100 10:00-18:00: Emulator Development 12:00-16:30: Emulator Development
D.firmware 100 13:30-17:55: Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader 13:00-17:45: Open Source Firmware, BMC and Bootloader
D.geospatial 100 - 10:00-16:40: Geospatial
D.go 100 14:00-18:00: Go -
D.graph 100 - -
D.hardware.trusted 100 10:00-18:00: Hardware-Aided Trusted Computing -
D.hpc 100 10:00-17:30: HPC, Big Data and Data Science 10:00-17:30: HPC, Big Data and Data Science
D.infra 100 10:00-18:00: Infra Management -
D.javascript 100 10:00-17:30: JavaScript -
D.openjdk 100 10:00-17:20: Friends of OpenJDK 10:00-17:20: Friends of OpenJDK
D.kotlin 100 - 10:00-18:00: Kotlin 100 14:00-18:00: Legal and Policy Issues 14:00-18:00: Legal and Policy Issues
D.libreoffice 100 - 10:00-18:00: LibreOffice
D.mariadb 100 10:00-18:00: MariaDB -
D.microkernel 100 10:00-16:05: Microkernel -
D.monitoring 100 - 10:00-14:00: Monitoring and Observability
D.mozilla 100 13:00-17:00: Mozilla -
D.mysql 100 - 10:00-18:00: MySQL 100 10:00-18:00: Network monitoring, discovery and inventory -
D.perl 100 10:00-18:00: Perl and Raku Programming 14:00-15:45: Perl and Raku Programming
D.postgresql 100 10:00-18:00: PostgreSQL 10:00-18:00: PostgreSQL
D.power 100 10:00-17:30: OpenPOWER -
D.python 100 - 10:00-18:00: Python 100 - 10:00-17:30: Free Software Radio
D.research 100 10:00-18:00: Open Research Tools and Technologies -
D.retro 100 - 10:00-17:40: Retrocomputing
D.rtc 100 10:00-17:30: Real Time Communications - 100 10:00-17:00: Safety and Open Source -
D.sdn 100 - 13:00-18:00: Software Defined Networking
D.sds 100 11:00-16:10: Software Defined Storage -
D.testing 100 10:00-18:00: Testing and Automation -
D.virtualization 100 10:00-16:00: Virtualization and IaaS -
D.web.performance 100 - 14:00-18:00: Web Performance
D.zig 100 13:45-18:00: Zig Programming Language -
S S.apache 100 09:30-10:00: The Apache Software Foundation stand -
S.appinventor 100 09:30-15:35: MIT App Inventor stand 11:00-15:35: MIT App Inventor stand
S.box86 100 09:30-10:00: Box86 stand -
S.checkmk 100 09:30-17:15: Checkmk stand 09:30-17:45: Checkmk stand
S.civicrm 100 09:30-10:00: CiviCRM stand -
S.coderdojo 100 09:30-10:00: Coderdojo Belgium stand -
S.debian 100 09:30-10:00: Debian stand -
S.eclipse 100 09:30-10:00: The Eclipse Foundation stand -
S.fedora 100 09:30-10:30: The Fedora Project stand -
S.foreman 100 09:30-10:00: Foreman stand -
S.fossasia 100 09:30-10:00: FOSSASIA stand -
S.freebsd 100 09:30-10:00: FreeBSD Project stand -
S.fsfe 100 09:30-10:00: Free Software Foundation Europe stand -
S.gitlab 100 09:30-10:00: GitLab stand -
S.gnome 100 09:30-10:00: The GNOME Foundation stand -
S.gsoc 100 09:30-10:00: Google Summer of Code stand -
S.haarcourt 100 09:30-10:00: School of AI Port Haarcourt stand -
S.haiku 100 09:30-10:00: Haiku stand -
S.illumos 100 09:30-10:00: Illumos stand 17:00-18:00: Illumos stand
S.jenkins 100 09:30-10:00: Jenkins stand -
S.kde 100 09:30-11:35: KDE Community stand 10:45-17:30: KDE Community stand 100 09:30-10:00: Kiwi TCMS stand -
S.kopano 100 09:30-10:00: Kopano stand -
S.Libreoffice 100 09:30-10:00: LibreOffice stand -
S.libresoc 100 09:30-10:00: The LibreSOC Project stand -
S.mariadb 100 09:30-10:00: MariaDB Foundation stand -
S.matrix 100 09:30-10:00: Matrix stand -
S.mautic 100 09:30-19:00: Mautic stand 11:00-19:00: Mautic stand
S.nextcloud 100 09:30-10:00: Nextcloud Hub stand -
S.ntop 100 09:30-18:00: ntop stand 12:00-18:00: ntop stand
S.onlyoffice 100 09:30-10:00: ONLYOFFICE stand -
S.openembedded 100 09:30-10:00: OpenEmbedded stand -
S.openharmony 100 09:30-10:00: OpenHarmony Project stand -
S.openmandriva 100 09:30-10:00: OpenMandriva stand -
S.opentap 100 09:30-10:00: OpenTAP stand -
S.openuk 100 09:30-10:00: OpenUK stand -
S.openwifi 100 09:30-10:00: openwifi stand -
S.ow2 100 09:30-17:00: OW2 Open Source Community stand 10:00-16:30: OW2 Open Source Community stand
S.pharo 100 09:30-10:00: Pharo stand -
S.postgresql 100 09:30-10:00: PostgreSQL stand -
S.pulp 100 09:30-10:00: Pulp stand - 100 - -
S.reactos 100 09:30-10:00: ReactOS stand 10:10-12:15: ReactOS stand
S.refpersys 100 09:30-10:00: RefPerSys stand -
S.schulfrei 100 09:30-10:00: schul-frei stand -
S.sesame 100 09:30-10:00: Sesame Discovery stand 14:00-16:40: Sesame Discovery stand
S.thola 100 09:30-10:00: Thola and NESi stand -
S.tracim 100 09:30-10:00: Tracim stand -
S.unikraft 100 09:30-10:00: Unikraft stand -
S.xcpng 100 09:30-10:00: XCP-ng stand -
S.xwiki 100 09:30-10:00: XWiki & CryptPad stand -
S.yottadb 100 09:30-10:00: YottaDB stand -
B B.bofs 100 17:00-18:00: BOFs -