FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

Stanislav Ochotnicky
Day Saturday
Room AW1.125
Capacity 76
Start time 15:40
End time 16:00
Duration 00:20
Track Free Java devroom

Guide to Packaging for Developers

Get Someone to Package Your (Java) Application

Application developers should try to reach as many users as possible, yet it seems there is a shortage of Java applications packaged in Linux distributions.

This is partially due to Java ecosystem and what is common in Java world.

Different Linux distributions have different packaging guidelines, but they all require certain prerequisites from packages. These mostly include: source releases, no bundled libraries and few other things. Talk will cover two most widely used Java build tools: Ant and Maven and how to set them up so that your application will be easier to package. Developers wishing to improve their chances of getting their application into distributions are the target audience.

Next (up to 3) talks in the same room (AW1.125):

When Event Track
16:25-16:30 What Makes IcedTea Tick? Free Java
16:30-17:00 What in the World Is This 'IcedTea-Web' Project? Free Java
17:00-17:30 The Free JavaWS Implementation in IcedTea-Web Free Java

Events that start after this one (within 30 minutes):

When Event Track Where
16:00-16:15 scikits.learn, machine learning in Python Data Analytics AW1.124
16:00-16:15 PageKite: Making The Web 1000x Bigger Lightning Talks Ferrer
16:00-16:20 Coffee Break! Mono AW1.120
16:00-16:25 New query optimizer features in MariaDB MySQL & friends H.2213
16:00-16:30 HP and Community Linux distributions CrossDistro H.1308
16:00-16:30 Yate Client Jabber & XMPP AW1.121
16:00-16:30 Unifying access to PKCS#11 tokens Security & hardware crypto AW1.105
16:00-16:30 Discussing UIKit / iOS implementation plans World of GNUstep AW1.117
16:00-16:45 Firefox 4: new features for users and developers Web Browsing Chavanne
16:00-16:50 I'm Going M.A.D. System Janson
16:00-17:00 Lua meets BSD BSD AW1.126
16:00-17:00 Gentoo's RelEng and catalyst use CrossDistro H.1302
16:00-17:00 DaVinci dm365 for home automation Embedded Lameere
16:00-17:45 LPI Exam 2 Certification Guillissen
16:15-16:30 PyF: a python framework for dataflow processing, mining, transforming and reporting Data Analytics AW1.124
16:20-16:35 Apache Etch: Efficient and feature-rich network services Lightning Talks Ferrer
16:20-16:50 Mono C++ Interop Mono AW1.120
16:20-16:50 GNU Network Security Labyrinth GNU H.2214
16:25-16:30 What Makes IcedTea Tick? Free Java AW1.125
16:30-17:00 What in the World Is This 'IcedTea-Web' Project? Free Java AW1.125
16:30-16:45 The My.Media.Lite Recommender System Library Data Analytics AW1.124
16:30-16:55 MySQL 5.5 Replication Enhancements: an overview MySQL & friends H.2213
16:30-17:00 How to store Trust Security & hardware crypto AW1.105
16:30-17:00 Model Checking the Linux Kernel ? CrossDistro H.1308
16:30-17:00 XMPP and Federated Social Networking Jabber & XMPP AW1.121
16:30-17:15 Latest progress of Simple WebKit and QuantumSTEP World of GNUstep AW1.117
16:30-17:15 SUMO -- How Mozilla supports 400 Million users with 4 employees Mozilla H.1301
16:30-17:15 Vala? Are you kidding me?? Crossdesktop H.1309