Saturday |
Fundamental Technologies We Need to Work on for Cloud-Native Networking |
Software Defined Networking |
10:30 |
11:10 |
Skydive A real time network topology and protocols analyzer |
Software Defined Networking |
11:10 |
11:30 |
Do you really see what’s happening on your NFV infrastructure? (and what can you do about it?) |
Software Defined Networking |
11:30 |
12:10 |
Endless Network Programming − An Update from eBPF Land |
Software Defined Networking |
12:10 |
12:30 |
Replacing iptables with eBPF in Kubernetes with Cilium |
Software Defined Networking |
12:30 |
12:50 |
Analyzing DPDK applications with eBPF Sharpening the toolset |
Software Defined Networking |
12:50 |
13:10 |
XDP and page_pool API |
Software Defined Networking |
13:10 |
13:30 |
Weave Net, an Open Source Container Network Five years with no central point of control |
Software Defined Networking |
13:30 |
14:10 |
Rethinking kubernetes networking with SRv6 and Contiv-VPP |
Software Defined Networking |
14:10 |
15:00 |
Akraino Edge KNI blueprint A Kubernetes Native Infrastructure approach to the Edge |
Software Defined Networking |
15:00 |
15:40 |
Fast QUIC sockets for cloud networking Using vector packet processing for QUIC acceleration and offload |
Software Defined Networking |
15:40 |
16:20 |
Mixing kool-aids! Accelerate the internet with AF_XDP & DPDK |
Software Defined Networking |
16:20 |
16:40 |
Dial your Networking Code up to 11 Vectorizing your network app to break the performance barrier |
Software Defined Networking |
16:40 |
17:20 |
Userspace networking: beyond the kernel bypass with RDMA! Using the RDMA infrastructure for performance while retaining kernel integration |
Software Defined Networking |
17:20 |
17:40 |
Vita: high-speed traffic encryption on x86_64 with Snabb Coming to your cloud with XDP, AVF, and Kubernetes integration |
Software Defined Networking |
17:40 |
18:00 |
Sunday |
STS in Ceph Object Storage |
Software Defined Storage |
09:00 |
09:30 |
NFS Ganesha |
Software Defined Storage |
09:35 |
10:05 |
Evolution of path based Geo-replication in Gluster |
Software Defined Storage |
10:10 |
10:30 |
Run ZFS in userspace How we used ZFS in userspace for storage engine cStor |
Software Defined Storage |
10:35 |
10:50 |
What's new in Samba ? Latest news from the Samba project |
Software Defined Storage |
10:55 |
11:30 |
Asynchronous Directory Operations in CephFS |
Software Defined Storage |
11:35 |
12:15 |
AMENDMENT Rook Cloud Native Storage for Kubernetes Overview and what is new about Rook |
Software Defined Storage |
12:20 |
12:55 |
Building Blocks for Containerized Ceph How Raw Block PersistentVolumes Changed the Way We Look at Storage in Kubernetes |
Software Defined Storage |
13:00 |
13:45 |
Explicitly Supporting Stretch Clusters in Ceph |
Software Defined Storage |
13:50 |
14:25 |
A 'Thin Arbiter' for glusterfs replication |
Software Defined Storage |
14:30 |
15:15 |
Management of Storage on OpenShift Managing storage was never so easy |
Software Defined Storage |
15:20 |
15:45 |
The history of error correction and detection and how it led to Ceph’s Erasure Coding Techniques |
Software Defined Storage |
15:50 |
16:20 |
Ephemeral Pinning: A Dynamic Metadata Management Strategy for CephFS |
Software Defined Storage |
16:25 |
17:00 |