Call For Lightning Talks
Lightning Talks are your chance for 15 minutes of fame: every free or open source project can apply for giving a lightning talk at FOSDEM.
Our goal is to offer all the projects that do not fit in a specific main track or devroom the opportunity to speak. During exactly 15 minutes, one person gets to present the project or any aspect of it. All the lightning talks happen in a large room that can host up to 300 people.
Call For Stands
We offer a place for a stands in the hallways, to projects that want to present themselves to the visitors in a more personal fashion. Stands can be used to share information, demo software, sell merchandising, give away goodies and so forth.
Accepted devrooms
We were very pleased with the devroom proposals we received, as many were collaborative proposals with ample opportunity for cross-pollination between projects. As a side effect, this did make the decision process even harder.
During the coming days, the devrooms listed below will send out call for talks on their respective mailinglists, as well as on
We will also send out our call for stands and call for lightningtalks, and collect all call-for-* here on our site, so stay tuned!
Without further due, here is the list of accepted devrooms:
Call for devrooms closing
We would like to inform all interested parties that the call for devrooms is running at its end.
Coming Saturday, 16 October at 23.59 the call for devrooms closes.
Until then, proposals for organizing a devroom can be submitted on We welcome, and will favor, proposals involving multiple, collaborating projects.
Acceptance notification will be sent out and announced here around the 23th of October.
The FOSDEM staff.
Call for Main Speakers and Devrooms
FOSDEM, the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the open source community, is taking place in Brussels, Belgium on Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 February 2011. Apart from having many invited speakers, the conference offers developer rooms, stands and lightning talks to projects from the Free and Open source community. This results in a staggering number of 250+ lectures!
We hereby invite ideas and proposals for main speakers, and proposals for developer rooms. The call for stands and lightning talks will be done after announcing the accepted devrooms.
Details and dates below.
Distribution Miniconf
Last year we organized a Distribution Miniconf for the first time, and we are eager to do it again this year and improve the concept.
Subscribe to the mailinglist to join the discussion.
At FOSDEM we care strongly about open source projects small and large. FOSDEM was created as a meeting place where developers from different projects and with different backgrounds can come together and share ideas, discuss, etc.
The devrooms have always been premier place for this. However, in recent years we have reached the limit of our capacity, with more than double proposals over rooms available. Distributions have always had a strong presence at FOSDEM, however, we were faced with having to choose some distributions over others.
Holding the distro miniconf provides a way to better achieve our goals in two ways:
- by organizing a mini conference where all distributions can participate in, we foster collaboration and cross pollination,
- additionally, some rooms become available for use by other projects, thereby diversifying the audience and topics at FOSDEM.
FOSDEM 2011: 5+6 February 2011
5 and 6 February 2011
Preparations are starting and a call for devrooms and speaker suggestions will be sent out soon.
Check this website or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay informed !
The FOSDEM staff
We just archived the FOSDEM 2010 edition website. If you still need to find the pages from previous editions check out our archive site:
Feedback form
FOSDEM lives thanks to its visitors. Please tell us what you think about it and help us make it better.
(Marks: 5 means excellent, 0 means it was awful)
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