Call for volunteers
FOSDEM 2011 is just around the corner, and you can help us make it a success again. If you've frequented FOSDEM during previous years, you can't have missed our little army of enthousiastic volunteers who helped us make FOSDEM a pleasant experience for all our visitors. If you want to be a part of this great team, here's your chance to sign up!
Accepted stands, lightning talks
The stands and lightning talks have been decided on for some time now. The choice was hard, as we received many interesting and diverse submissions.
It is our pleasure to announce below the 33 projects that will hold a stand in the conference hallways, as well as the 33 immensely interesting lightning talks that will get their 15 minutes of fame at FOSDEM 2011:
FOSDEM Beer Event
As every year, there will be a FOSDEM beer event on Friday night before FOSDEM (February 4th 2011).
This year's event will again take place at the Delirium Café, in a beautiful alley near the Grand'Place in Brussels. In addition to the enormous variety in beers, the location also has enough room to accommodate the vast crowd of geeks we tend to be.
Delirium Security will again help us keep this area FOSDEM-only. If you meet a guard at the entrance to the bar, make it clear to him that you are there for the FOSDEM party. Wearing appropriately geeky attire tends to do the trick, as does mentioning the name FOSDEM.
Promo material available
Promotion material for FOSDEM 2011 is available on our promo page
Android, iPhone, Maemo, WebOS ... developers wanted
Keysigning and CAcert Assurance
Web of Trust
PGP public key and CAcert certificate identification are based on multiple (the more the better) people doing an identification check against official identity documents such as driving permits, passports, national identity cards, etc.: the Web of Trustworthy. The Web of Trust is a reciprocal process: people identify themselves to each other.
The "keysigning party" is essential to strengthen the Web of Trust and keep the security technique open and freely available.
Like previous years, there will be a PGP key signing and CAcert assurance party at FOSDEM 2011.
Certification Exams
Certification exam sessions will again be offered at FOSDEM 2011.
The Linux Professional Institute, the BSD Certification Group and TYPO3 will organize exam sessions during FOSDEM 2011. Interested candidates can now register for exams with the respective certification groups.
The schedule for the exam sessions is also available now.
Participation, update
The call for stands officially ends tomorrow, Monday the 6th of December.
The submission form will remain open for about a day and a half, so this is your last chance to propose manning a stand at FOSDEM.
The call for lightning talks is extended till Sunday 19th of December. This is to allow projects that can not get a stand at FOSDEM to apply for a lightning talk. It also spreads the load of the review commission a bit more evenly.
Note that most devroom calls also have a deadline in the last two weeks of December, so there is still plenty of opportunity to participate in FOSDEM by speaking about your favorite open source project!
See the list of devrooms at FOSDEM 2011.
FOSDEM spouses/partner's tour

The free tours will take place both afternoons of the conference.
Call For Participation
To all open-source projects,
We invite you to participate in FOSDEM 2011 with a talk in a devroom, a lightning talk or by manning a stand.
Lightning talks are aimed at projects that don't fit in one of the devrooms.
Stands | closed | Notifications sent |
Lightning talks | closed | Notifications sent |
Devroom name | Call for talks | Deadline |
Accessibility | announcement | 31 Dec. |
BSD | announcement | 20 Dec. |
Configuration/Systems Management | announcement | 8 Jan. |
Crossdesktop | announcement | 22 Dec. |
Data Analytics | announcement | 17 Dec. |
Distribution Miniconf | announcement | 1 Jan. |
Embedded | announcement | 5 Jan. |
Free Java | announcement | Extended: 17 Dec. |
GNU | announcement | 22 Dec. |
Jabber/XMPP | announcement | - |
LibreOffice | announcement | - |
Mono | announcement | 25 Dec. |
Mozilla | announcement | - |
MySQL & friends | announcement | 26 Dec. |
New challenges in Virtualization | announcement | - |
Open Source Telephony | announcement | 10 Dec. |
Perl | announcement | 27 Dec. |
PostgreSQL | announcement | 20 Dec. |
Security / hardware crypto | announcement | 21 Dec. |
World of GNUstep | announcement | - |