FOSDEM 2012 in preparation
4 and 5 February 2012
Please bear with us as we update our infrastructure for the 2012 edition.
The call for devrooms and main track speakers will be announced soon!
Check this website or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay informed.
The FOSDEM staff
FOSDEM Census results
Things to know
Your first visit to FOSDEM? Did you know that...
- You can leave your coat and bags at the Cloak room.
- A Red Cross team is present for any medical problems. Follow the First Aid arrows in the H building.
- Safety comes first
- Free shuttle busses to the Brussels-South railway station are available on Sunday evening.
- Food is plentiful. Check out Bar 2 where it is spacious, warm and relaxed.
- FOSDEM is entirely organized by a team of volunteers and all your donations go straight towards making Fosdem better.
- We have a FAQ.
Keysigning: last day to submit keys
Please don't forget to submit your keys to the keyserver before tomorrow if you intend to participate in the keysigning event. Tomorrow around midnight (CET) the keyserver will be closed and we'll be generating the final list of participants.
If you're not on the list, you will not be able to participate. We are too many people to deal with slips of paper from people not on the list.
See for more information.
FOSDEM Beer Event
As every year, there will be a FOSDEM beer event on Friday night before FOSDEM (February 4th 2011).
This year's event will again take place at the Delirium Café, in a beautiful alley near the Grand'Place in Brussels. In addition to the enormous variety in beers, the location also has enough room to accommodate the vast crowd of geeks we tend to be.
Delirium Security will again help us keep this area FOSDEM-only. If you meet a guard at the entrance to the bar, make it clear to him that you are there for the FOSDEM party. Wearing appropriately geeky attire tends to do the trick, as does mentioning the name FOSDEM.
Keysigning and CAcert Assurance
Web of Trust
PGP public key and CAcert certificate identification are based on multiple (the more the better) people doing an identification check against official identity documents such as driving permits, passports, national identity cards, etc.: the Web of Trustworthy. The Web of Trust is a reciprocal process: people identify themselves to each other.
The "keysigning party" is essential to strengthen the Web of Trust and keep the security technique open and freely available.
Like previous years, there will be a PGP key signing and CAcert assurance party at FOSDEM 2011.
Certification Exams
Certification exam sessions will again be offered at FOSDEM 2011.
The Linux Professional Institute, the BSD Certification Group and TYPO3 will organize exam sessions during FOSDEM 2011. Interested candidates can now register for exams with the respective certification groups.
The schedule for the exam sessions is also available now.
FOSDEM 2011: 5+6 February 2011
5 and 6 February 2011
Preparations are starting and a call for devrooms and speaker suggestions will be sent out soon.
Check this website or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay informed !
The FOSDEM staff
We just archived the FOSDEM 2010 edition website. If you still need to find the pages from previous editions check out our archive site:
FOSDEM Video Recordings
Video recordings of talks held at FOSDEM editions 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 are available in direct download on and in streamed format on
Please always use the URL when linking to the files. This way we can prevent dead links if mirrors change.
Thanks to Google/YouTube, Belnet, HEAnet, and GeekSoc for hosting them and NamurLUG for recording and encoding.
The traffic is loadbalanced automatically based on your location using MirrorBrain.