Firefox 4 in Web Browing track
Tristan Nitot and Anthony Ricaud will present the new features of Firefox 4, both for users and for developers, at 16:00 in Chavanne on Saturday, as part of the Web Browsing main track.
Schedule for mobile
Ways to have the schedule with you at all times, without wasting trees:
- Online mobile schedule:
Experimental, using jQueryMobile - Android: fosdem-android and Giggity
Both available in the android-market - Debian: fosdem-schedule
Repackaged fosdem-maemo for 2011 - iOS: fosdem2011
Link to source in above link to app store. - Maemo5: fosdem-schedule
Repackaged fosdem-maemo for 2011 - N900: Sojourner
Polished and renewed foschart - Symbian semperFosdem
Port of fosdem-schedule for Symbian S60/Qt - WebOS: fosdem-webos
Also available in the app store
Thanks to Pascal Bleser, Wilmer van der Gaast, Gregor Herrmann, Will Thompson, Raphael Kallensee, Michael Uyttersprot, Chris Browet, Niels Langendorff and others for these great pieces of open-source software!
Mobile schedule moved
The URL for the mobile device optimized schedule moved to
Printable schedule
Just a few days to go, and the FOSDEM 2011 schedule is available in printable form (as a PDF), as a three page grid.
Note that those will be postered all around the venue, and the schedule is also available in the booklet we distribute free of charge to all visitors at the main entrance. But just in case, to promote the event somewhere, or to have a copy in your pocket during the conference, it's there.
FOSDEM Android App
Wilmer van der Gaast was so nice to develop an Android app for FOSDEM.
It' already in the Android Market, so go get it! :)
Schedule is available
The schedule of all the tracks, talks, speakers is finally online.
Accepted stands, lightning talks
The stands and lightning talks have been decided on for some time now. The choice was hard, as we received many interesting and diverse submissions.
It is our pleasure to announce below the 33 projects that will hold a stand in the conference hallways, as well as the 33 immensely interesting lightning talks that will get their 15 minutes of fame at FOSDEM 2011:
Android, iPhone, Maemo, WebOS ... developers wanted
FOSDEM 2011: 5+6 February 2011
5 and 6 February 2011
Preparations are starting and a call for devrooms and speaker suggestions will be sent out soon.
Check this website or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay informed !
The FOSDEM staff