FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.


Participation, update

The call for stands officially ends tomorrow, Monday the 6th of December.
The submission form will remain open for about a day and a half, so this is your last chance to propose manning a stand at FOSDEM.

The call for lightning talks is extended till Sunday 19th of December. This is to allow projects that can not get a stand at FOSDEM to apply for a lightning talk. It also spreads the load of the review commission a bit more evenly.

Note that most devroom calls also have a deadline in the last two weeks of December, so there is still plenty of opportunity to participate in FOSDEM by speaking about your favorite open source project!
See the list of devrooms at FOSDEM 2011.