Accepted stands, lightning talks
The stands and lightning talks have been decided on for some time now. The choice was hard, as we received many interesting and diverse submissions.
It is our pleasure to announce below the 33 projects that will hold a stand in the conference hallways, as well as the 33 immensely interesting lightning talks that will get their 15 minutes of fame at FOSDEM 2011:
- CAcert/sidux e.V.
- CentOS
- Debian
- Enlightenment
- Fedora Project
- Free Software Foundation
- FreeBSD
- Hackable Devices
- Haiku
- LibreOffice
- Mandriva
- Manpremo
- Mozilla
- MuseScore
- NetBSD
- O'Reilly
- OpenEmbedded
- Perl
- PostgreSQL
- SIP Communicator
- The MirOS Project
- Ubuntu
- WebOS-Internals
- Yate
- Zarafa
- coreboot+flashrom
- netwaves
- openSUSE
Lightning Talks
- 0MQ: Multithreading magic (Pieter Hintjens)
- Aalto-1: Aalto-1 - A nanosatellite using open source. (Adrian Yanes)
- Agora Voting System: Agora Voting System for a Liquid Democracy (Eduardo Robles)
- Android video streaming: Android devices as video prosumers (Fernando Garcia)
- Apache Etch: Efficient and feature-rich network services (Holger Grandy)
- Coreboot: x86 system boot and initialization (Rudolf Marek)
- CyaSSL: All the fun stuff we're doing with CyaSSL (Todd Ouska)
- EducOOo: OOo4Kids and OOoLight (Eric Bachard)
- Forban: Forban: a simple link-local opportunistic p2p free software (Alexandre Dulaunoy)
- FreeMedForms: FreeMedForms: Managing Drug-Drug interactions: an open source model. (Eric MAEKER)
- Graylog2: Graylog2: Self-hosted exception tracking and log management (Lennart Koopmann)
- KDevelop: Rapid C++ Programming (Milian Wolff)
- Libre Graphics Magazine: Bringing F/LOSS Designers Together, One Dead Tree at a Time (ginger "all-lower-case" coons)
- Linux Caixa Mágica in the Magellan project: How to deploy 550.000 Linux notebooks in classrooms (Flávio Moringa)
- MediaMosa: MediaMosa open source video backend (Peter Forgacs)
- Mongrel2: Lighting up IPv6 (Andrew Yourtchenko)
- Neo4j: Graph DB and Neo4j introduction (Jordi Valverde)
- PageKite: Making The Web 1000x Bigger (Bjarni Runar Einarsson)
- PubSubHubbub: Make your application real-time with PubSubHubbub (Julien Genestoux)
- Rails Admin: Rails Admin The right way of doing data administration with Rails 3 (Bogdan Gaza)
- Sahi: automated cross-broser web testing (Andreas Worm)
- Seeks Project: Seeks Project: let's take back websearch (Emmanuel Benazera)
- Sinatra: Develop a rational website engine in 10 minutes (Francesco Vollero)
- Sirius: Is the UK Government backing Free Software? (Laura Czajkowski)
- Thousand Parsec: create and conquer your own universe in 15 minutes (Vincent Verhoeven)
- Timebank: The Timebank free software project (Eduardo Robles)
- UC Engine: a real time collaboration application framework (Romain Gauthier)
- Village-Telco: Village Telco (Donatus Onwunumah)
- chicken: Cheney-on-the-MTA (felix winkelmann)
- flashrom: Run your BIOS/EFI/firmware updates under any free OS (Carl-Daniel Hailfinger)
- iRail: Creating a public transport API (Pieter Colpaert)
- scala: Scala expressiveness (Romain Pelisse)
- XWiki: Annotating documents, the eXtensible wiki way (Anca Luca)