These pages have been archived.
For information about the latest FOSDEM edition please check this url:
FOSDEM 2012 in preparation
4 and 5 February 2012
Please bear with us as we update our infrastructure for the 2012 edition.
The call for devrooms and main track speakers will be announced soon!
Check this website or subscribe to the RSS feed to stay informed.
The FOSDEM staff
FOSDEM Census results
Network configuration and statistics
The guys at Cisco have published an article, including configuration details and statistics, about the FOSDEM network. You can read it here.
Thanks volunteers!
FOSDEM 2011 is behind us and was, according to initial feedback we received, the best edition ever! This would not have been possible without the aid of our enthusiastic army of volunteers who helped with the setup, moderation, infodesk and various other crucial tasks.
Thanks to all the volunteers! We're looking forward to working with you again next year.
For informative purposes, and in order to potentially fine-tune the organization of the event, we would like to ask you to take a few seconds to fill our anonymous FOSDEM population census.
Note that each question is optional.
On-demand streaming
Update: FOSDEM 2011 is over, the on-demand streaming is no longer available, but the videos will be uploaded in a higher quality to the website in the following days.
Talks are also made available via on-demand streaming. These are encoding of the raw capture without any cutting or post-processing.
Sorry for the delays but encoding 1080i streams in Theora takes a lot of CPU power.
Click on read more for the complete list.
Donation Draw winners
We have 27 happy winners of the yearly FOSDEM draw ! These winners will be contacted by the FOSDEM staff, O'Reilly or Linux Magazine.
Live streaming
Live audio streaming for the main tracks and lightning talks is available during talks from :
- Chavanne is not available due to connection issues
Unfortunately, when the stream is not operational you will get a 404 not found error. Please try again later in that case.
Firefox 4 in Web Browing track
Tristan Nitot and Anthony Ricaud will present the new features of Firefox 4, both for users and for developers, at 16:00 in Chavanne on Saturday, as part of the Web Browsing main track.