On-demand streaming
Update: FOSDEM 2011 is over, the on-demand streaming is no longer available, but the videos will be uploaded in a higher quality to the website in the following days.
Talks are also made available via on-demand streaming. These are encoding of the raw capture without any cutting or post-processing.
Sorry for the delays but encoding 1080i streams in Theora takes a lot of CPU power.
Click on read more for the complete list.
- Welcome to FOSDEM 2011
- Why Political Liberty Depends on Software Freedom More Than Ever (part 1)
- Why Political Liberty Depends on Software Freedom More Than Ever (part 2)
System Track:
Languages Track:
Web Browsing Track:
- The life of a Firefox feature
- Qt WebKit goes Mobile
- Firefox 4: new features for users and developers
Lightning talks (saturday):
- Sirius: Is the UK Government backing Free Software?
- Magellan project: How to deploy 550.000 Linux notebooks in classrooms
- Libre Graphics Magazine: Bringing F/LOSS Designers Together, One Dead Tree at a Time
- Coreboot: x86 system boot and initialization
- flashrom: Run your BIOS/EFI/firmware updates under any free OS
- 0MQ: Multithreading magic
- Neo4j: Graph DB and Neo4j introduction
- iRail: Creating a public transport API
- Seeks Project: let's take back websearch
- PageKite: Making The Web 1000x Bigger
- Apache Etch: Efficient and feature-rich network services
- Forban: a simple link-local opportunistic p2p free software
- Sahi: automated cross-browser web testing
- CyaSSL: All the fun stuff we're doing with CyaSSL
- Cloud9 IDE: Kick ass code editing and end to end JavaScript debugging
- Aalto-1: A nanosatellite using open source
- chicken: Cheney-on-the-MTA
- scala: Scala expressiveness
Lightning talks (sunday):
- MediaMosa: open source video backend
- Android video streaming: Android devices as video prosumers (part1)
- Android video streaming: Android devices as video prosumers (part2)
- KDevelop: Rapid C++ Programming
- Timebank: The Timebank free software project
- XWiki: Annotating documents, the eXtensible wiki way