Brussels / 3 & 4 February 2018



Day Start End Track(s)
Saturday 10:30 19:00 Identity and Access Management
Sunday 09:00 16:55 Source Code Analysis, Tool the Docs
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Saturday Migrating to Red Hat IdM in a large Linux Environment Æ-DIR -- Authorized Entities Directory
from paranoid user management to secure system management
freeIPA installation using Ansible
Description and examples of freeIPA client and server installations using ansible-freeipa.
Easily Secure Your Front and Back End app with Keycloak Identity governance and data protection with midPoint Implementing a safe and auditable access to customer instances of your SaaS for the support staff with HashiCorp Vault SaMBa-AD, it works
stories of battles fought and won
Samba AD in Fedora
The long road to AD
Samba authentication and authorization
Introduction to Active Directory Auth protocols and winbind as an AD member
Using Cryptographic Hardware Smart Cards in Linux and why you should care
Do you want to know how Smart Cards can help you improve security and work efficiently?
SSSD: From an LDAP client to the System Security Services Daemon User Session Recording in Cockpit
Introducing User Session Recording support in Cockpit - a server management Web UI
Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
A brief description of the project and its internals!
Sunday Automating style guide documentation
How we at Zalando Retail Dept automated our Styleguide & source code and reduced the gap for contribution
DocBook Documentation at SUSE
Automatically Ensuring Quality of SUSE Documentation
Test your API docs!
It's tested or it's broken
Docs like code in Drupal
Introducing Open DevPortal, an open source CMS based documentation tool
A lion, a head, and a dash of YAML
Extending Sphinx to automate your documentation
Mallard, Pintail, and other duck topics
topic-oriented help at the GNOME project
Finding a home for docs
How to choose the right "path" for documentation in open source projects
Babelfish: a universal code parser for source code analysis Migrating code with SmaCC Moldable analysis with Moose Langkit: source code analyzers for the masses
Reviving the meta-compiler dream
Finding inter-procedural bugs at scale with Infer static analyzer Tree-sitter
A new parsing system for programming tools
Parsing Posix [S]hell
Yann Regis-Gianas
JavaParser: where should we head?
How to generate, transform, analyze, refactor Java code
Graph-based analysis of JavaScript repositories
Incremental static analysis of JavaScript source code defined by declarative queries
DIY Java Static Analysis
Presenting the internals of SonarJava : a static analyzer for Java written in Java


Title Track Start End


  Migrating to Red Hat IdM in a large Linux Environment Identity and Access Management 10:30 11:10
  Æ-DIR -- Authorized Entities Directory
from paranoid user management to secure system management
Identity and Access Management 11:15 11:45
  freeIPA installation using Ansible
Description and examples of freeIPA client and server installations using ansible-freeipa.
Identity and Access Management 11:50 12:20
  Easily Secure Your Front and Back End app with Keycloak Identity and Access Management 12:25 12:55
  Identity governance and data protection with midPoint Identity and Access Management 13:00 13:30
  Implementing a safe and auditable access to customer instances of your SaaS for the support staff with HashiCorp Vault Identity and Access Management 13:35 14:05
  SaMBa-AD, it works
stories of battles fought and won
Identity and Access Management 14:10 14:50
  Samba AD in Fedora
The long road to AD
Identity and Access Management 14:55 15:25
  Samba authentication and authorization
Introduction to Active Directory Auth protocols and winbind as an AD member
Identity and Access Management 15:30 16:05
  Using Cryptographic Hardware Identity and Access Management 16:10 16:40
  Smart Cards in Linux and why you should care
Do you want to know how Smart Cards can help you improve security and work efficiently?
Identity and Access Management 16:45 17:15
  SSSD: From an LDAP client to the System Security Services Daemon Identity and Access Management 17:20 17:50
  User Session Recording in Cockpit
Introducing User Session Recording support in Cockpit - a server management Web UI
Identity and Access Management 17:55 18:25
  Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
A brief description of the project and its internals!
Identity and Access Management 18:30 19:00


  Automating style guide documentation
How we at Zalando Retail Dept automated our Styleguide & source code and reduced the gap for contribution
Tool the Docs 09:00 09:20
  DocBook Documentation at SUSE
Automatically Ensuring Quality of SUSE Documentation
Tool the Docs 09:25 09:55
  Test your API docs!
It's tested or it's broken
Tool the Docs 10:00 10:20
  Docs like code in Drupal
Introducing Open DevPortal, an open source CMS based documentation tool
Tool the Docs 10:25 10:55
  A lion, a head, and a dash of YAML
Extending Sphinx to automate your documentation
Tool the Docs 11:00 11:30
  Mallard, Pintail, and other duck topics
topic-oriented help at the GNOME project
Tool the Docs 11:35 12:00
  Finding a home for docs
How to choose the right "path" for documentation in open source projects
Tool the Docs 12:05 12:30
  Babelfish: a universal code parser for source code analysis Source Code Analysis 12:40 13:05
  Migrating code with SmaCC Source Code Analysis 13:10 13:35
  Moldable analysis with Moose Source Code Analysis 13:40 14:05
  Langkit: source code analyzers for the masses
Reviving the meta-compiler dream
Source Code Analysis 14:10 14:35
  Finding inter-procedural bugs at scale with Infer static analyzer Source Code Analysis 14:40 15:00
A new parsing system for programming tools
Source Code Analysis 15:05 15:25
  Parsing Posix [S]hell
Yann Regis-Gianas
Source Code Analysis 15:30 15:50
  JavaParser: where should we head?
How to generate, transform, analyze, refactor Java code
Source Code Analysis 15:55 16:15
  Graph-based analysis of JavaScript repositories
Incremental static analysis of JavaScript source code defined by declarative queries
Source Code Analysis 16:20 16:40
  DIY Java Static Analysis
Presenting the internals of SonarJava : a static analyzer for Java written in Java
Source Code Analysis 16:45 16:55