Saturday |
MySQL & Friends Devroom Welcome |
MySQL and Friends |
10:30 |
10:40 |
Optimizing MySQL without SQL or touching my.cnf |
MySQL and Friends |
10:40 |
11:00 |
Applying profilers to MySQL From PMP to perf, and why performance_schema is not a replacement in all cases |
MySQL and Friends |
11:05 |
11:25 |
Instrumenting plugins for Performance Schema |
MySQL and Friends |
11:30 |
11:50 |
sysbench 1.0: teaching an old dog new tricks |
MySQL and Friends |
12:05 |
12:25 |
Introducing gh-ost GitHub's triggerless, painless schema migrations for MySQL |
MySQL and Friends |
12:35 |
12:55 |
Autopsy of an automation disaster |
MySQL and Friends |
13:05 |
13:25 |
Honeypot your database And easy method to detect if you've been hacked |
MySQL and Friends |
13:35 |
13:55 |
The Proxy Wars - MySQL Router, ProxySQL, MariaDB MaxScale |
MySQL and Friends |
14:05 |
14:25 |
Painless MySQL HA, Scalability and Flexibility With Ansible, MHA and ProxySQL |
MySQL and Friends |
14:35 |
14:55 |
Inexpensive Datamasking for MySQL with ProxySQL data anonymization for developers |
MySQL and Friends |
15:05 |
15:25 |
Speeding Up Analytical Queries in MariaDB CTE's and Window Functions Highlight |
MySQL and Friends |
15:35 |
15:55 |
Data Analytics with MySQL, Apache Spark and Apache Drill |
MySQL and Friends |
16:05 |
16:25 |
Group Replication A Journey to the Group Communication Core |
MySQL and Friends |
16:35 |
16:55 |
Fine tuning Group Replication for performance |
MySQL and Friends |
17:05 |
17:25 |
Mix ‘n’ Match Async and Group Replication for Advanced Replication Setups |
MySQL and Friends |
17:35 |
17:55 |
MyRocks The RocksDB storage engine for MySQL |
MySQL and Friends |
18:05 |
18:25 |
MyRocks in production at Facebook |
MySQL and Friends |
18:30 |
18:50 |
Sunday |
Beyond Trust - PostgreSQL Client Authentication |
PostgreSQL |
11:00 |
11:50 |
Tour de Data Types VARCHAR2 or CHAR(255)? |
PostgreSQL |
12:00 |
12:50 |
AMENDMENT Bringing the Semantic Web closer to reality: PostgreSQL as RDF Graph Database |
PostgreSQL |
13:00 |
13:50 |
Evolution of Fault Tolerance in PostgreSQL |
PostgreSQL |
14:00 |
14:50 |
Infrastructure Monitoring with Postgres |
PostgreSQL |
15:00 |
16:00 |
An overview of PostgreSQL's backup, archiving and replication |
PostgreSQL |
16:00 |
16:50 |