FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

François Revol
Day Sunday
Room AW1.105
Start time 15:00
End time 16:00
Duration 01:00
Event type Podium
Track Alt-OS
Language English
Hands-on development with Haiku

Other events at the same time:

When Event Track Where
14:30-15:15 Nepomuk CrossDesktop H.1309
14:30-15:30 Building The Virtual Babel: Mono In Second Life Mono H.2213
14:30-15:15 Mozilla Drumbeat in Europe Mozilla H.1301
14:45-15:15 MySQL and Python: an overview MySQL AW1.121
14:45-15:30 Transactionally Protected Package Management Distributions H.1308
14:45-15:30 Distribution Image building with KIWI Distributions H.1302
14:45-15:15 LanguageKit: Supporting other dynamic languages on the ObjC runtime GNUstep AW1.117
15:00-15:45 Scaling Facebook with OpenSource tools Scalability Janson
15:00-15:45 MariaDB: extra features that make it a better branch of MySQL Database Chavanne
15:00-16:30 LPI exam session 5 Certification Guillissen
15:00-15:15 QuBit: Introducing Quantum Superpositions Lightning Talks Ferrer
15:00-15:30 DaVinci VM: Where we are ? where we go ? Free Java AW1.125
15:00-15:30 GT.M and OpenStreetMap NoSQL AW1.120
15:00-15:45 GPU Userspace - kernel interface & Radeon kernel modesetting status AW1.124
15:00-15:45 Apache Solr and state-of-the-art search techniques Drupal H.2214
15:00-16:00 Media Controller, harnessing the full power of tomorrow's video devices Embedded Lameere
15:00-15:45 Debian GNU/kFreeBSD BSD AW1.126
15:15-15:30 Padre, the Perl IDE: Building an open source team, getting the project to users against the odds Lightning Talks Ferrer
15:15-15:45 MySQL HA overview MySQL AW1.121
15:15-16:00 SyncML CrossDesktop H.1309
15:30-15:45 Coccinelle: Finding bugs in open source systems code Lightning Talks Ferrer
15:30-16:15 Mozilla Lightning Talks Mozilla H.1301
15:30-16:15 Continuous Packaging with Distributions H.1308
15:30-16:15 Dracut - a generic, modular initramfs generation tool Distributions H.1302
15:30-16:00 Moonlight and you Mono H.2213
15:30-16:15 Comparing the MapReduce way in CouchDB with the SQL way in a RDBMS NoSQL AW1.120
15:30-16:15 CodeMonkey, an integrated development environment (IDE) for Étoilé GNUstep AW1.117
15:45-16:15 OpenJDK Roundtable Free Java AW1.125
15:45-16:15 Refactoring Stored Routines MySQL AW1.121
15:45-16:30 Upgrading Drupal H.2214