FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

David Chisnall
Day Sunday
Room AW1.117
Start time 14:45
End time 15:15
Duration 00:30
Event type Podium
Track GNUstep
Language English
LanguageKit: Supporting other dynamic languages on the ObjC runtime

The Objective-C runtime library provides a set of functions and data structures used to implement the dynamic behaviour of Objective-C. This is a Smalltalk-like object model, with dynamic message sending and introspection. LanguageKit is part of the Ètoilé project and provides an interpreter, just-in-time, and static compiler back end, using LLVM, for implementing dynamic languages.

This talk will discuss the implementation of LanguageKit and cover some of its current and potential uses. LanguageKit is used to implement Ètoilé's Pragmatic Smalltalk, which generates classes that are ABI-compatible with Objective-C, meaning that Objective-C and Smalltalk classes can subclass or extend each other, with no bridging overhead. In common cases Smalltalk performance is similar to that of Objective-C.