Welcome to the FOSDEM 2006 site !
We were able to recover our 2006 website thanks to Aigon. We also have the 2006 folder available, should you wish to read it. It can be found here.
The sixth Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting is a 2 days event, organized by volunteers, to promote the widespread use of Free and Open Source software. Taking place in the beautiful city of Brussels, Belgium FOSDEM meetings are recognised as the best Free and Open Source events in Europe.
Important Note: Entrance and attendance to FOSDEM talks and tutorials are free, but donations to help us organizing and keeping the event free are welcome, please see here.
If you take pictures during the FOSDEM, please enter their location on our wiki : http://wiki.fosdem.org/tiki-index.php?page=Fosdem2006Pictures.
If you want to help FOSDEM organization, check our wiki page.
[ 26-04-2006 ] Interview with Richard Stallman
At this website you will find an interview with Richard Stallman, made at Fosdem.
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[ 14-03-2006 ] Lecture slides online
Slides are coming online, you will find them in the slides menu at your left
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[ 10-03-2006 ] Lecture video's online
From now on you can download the recorded lectures from our Belnet mirror.
You can either download the files using ftp or http:
If you are a provider and can mirror these files, feel free to contact FOSDEM for more information about synchronizing and providing a link on this website.
PS: the slides will be available very soon
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[ 28-02-2006 ] FOSDEM 2006 Over
Thanks to all those who made FOSDEM 2006 a success: all visitors for their enthousiasms, all speakers for the interesting content, all laptop owners for their patience with the network ;-) , all donators for their important support, all people who helped for... their help.
To make 2007 even better, remember you can send your feedback to feedback@fosdem.org .
Also, we created a page on the wiki to list all reports about FOSDEM 2006 posted on the web: Wiki Fosdem2006Reports Page
Pictures are appearing on flickr with the fosdem2006 tag...see previous news for more information.
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[ 28-02-2006 ] Lost and Found
If you have lost valuable things, they might have been found by the FOSDEM staff or visitors. You should promptly send an email to info@fosdem.org with a description of what you lost.
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