How to promote us ...
Here after you will find some FOSDEM ads ... feel free to use them to promote the event.
You will find hereunder banners to add to your personal site in order to reference FOSDEM. Feel free to use them and send us a mail so we can talk about you as well!
Our news page has an feed. Feel free to aggregate it!
Flyers for you to print:
Banners for your site:Horizontal banner:
Horizontal banner:
Horizontal banner:
Vertical banner:
They promote Fosdem:GnomeMeeting: The ultimate video-conferencing solution
LaTeX: This belgian LaTeX reference site is promoting FOSDEM
Lebutch.org: Open-source software resources, links and opinions
Links2Linux.de: This german RPM site displays our banner
Links2Linux.org: This RPM site have our banners
Loki's page: This is the Loki's homepage (fyi: Loki is the one who's managing devrooms, stands and wiki)
Open-T: This dutch open source company has displays our banner on their main page.
Portix: This belgian PHP site promotes the FOSDEM.
Progilibre: This OpenSource professional applications communiity website has our banner on rotation.
RadioCentraal Webgang: WebGang is the IT program on an independent local radio station in Antwerp; they will be present at FOSDEM 2005 for interviews
Securityworld: a sneak into daily life of a security professional
TechTemple: This italian news opensource site displays and promotes the FSODEM
UnixTech: The Belgian Linux portal has our banner on rotation
ZipKid.Com: Homesite of a Linux fan