Latest news:
Calibre Developers' room
Welcome to the CALIBRE room [ 18-04-2005 ]
Learn at the CALIBRE room about academic research performed on libre (free/open source) software. Top researchers in the field will be there to speak about software measurement, project management, software modeling, etc. Find out how libre software works, how it evolves and how it is investigated.
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Embedded softwares room
Papers and presentations of the 2005 edition are online! [ 12-04-2005 ]
You can find the papers and presentations of the embedded track of Fosdem 2005 (and previous editions) here : http://www.embedded-kernel-track.org/2005/papers.html
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GNU Hurd Developers' room
Slides and Audio recordings available [ 14-03-2005 ]
Slides and audio recordings of the presentations can be found at http://people.debian.org/~neal/FOSDEM-2005/.
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Clustering Developers' room
Fosdem 2005 is over [ 28-02-2005 ]
Fosdem 2005 is over, we would like to thank the Fosdem Organisers, the Cluster Devroom speakers, and all the visitors. After the success of this year we will probably have a new edition in 2006.
The presentations of the 2005 edition are online at http://howto.x-tend.be/ClusterDevroom/2005/conference.html
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KDE developers' room
Welcome to the KDE developers' room [ 25-02-2005 ]
Please check the times on the schedule of the talks which will be held in the KDE developers' room. Also we sell some KDE merchandise at our stall.
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PHP/Pear Developers' room
Large Applications with PHP Session [ 24-02-2005 ]
Developing Large Applications with PHP is not an easy task, as you need to take care of a lot of different aspects. Derick Rethans from eZ systems will talk about this subject using eZ publish as an example.
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