Opengroupware Developers' room News |
[ Schedule ] |
[ 01-02-2005 ]
Welcome to the Opengroupware developers' room
This is the developer room for the OpenGroupware.org project.

OpenGroupware.org is a free software project to create a groupware server with a special focus on interoperability and standards support. One of its strengths is the broad support for various native client calendaring applications, be that Outlook, Kontact, Evolution or Mozilla.
In this developers' room you will find OpenGroupware.org developers, SOPE developers, Objective-C fans, and the GNUstep developers.
The OGo devroom also covers discussions and presentations of SOPE, the WebObjects and Zope inspired web application server used by OGo.
We will have a series of talks during the weekend (check the schedule) as well as informal discussions about OGo/SOPE and its future. If you want to discover OGo, or see a presentation of the development tools, this is the place to be !
Lightning Talks
A Lightning Talk is a very short presentation of a software project in 15 minutes maximum. Our schedule:
Sun, 13:45-14:00 - OpenGroupware.org (Helge Hess)
Sun, 14:30-14:45 - SOPE (Marcus Mueller)
Presentations in the Dev-Room
Sat, 16:00-16:30 - OpenGroupware.org (Helge Hess)
Sat, 16:30-17:00 - SOPE (Marcus Mueller)
Sun, 15:30-16:00 - OGo Frameworks (Helge Hess)
