Support the FOSDEM organisation and get a return!
FOSDEM is an event for the community, by the community. As such, we think it is important to keep access to the event free.
It is organised by volunteers who don't get paid and don't have commercial interests in the event.
However, as you can expect, organising such an event costs a lot of money.
The primary characteristic of FOSDEM is that it is a non-commercial event. To keep it that way, we think the best way to fund the event is to ask for support from the open source community on a voluntary basis. We ask that you support us by making a voluntary donation. To thank donators, we have produced some packages in return for their support for the 2005 edition, which may continue for other editions. Here is a description of the packages corresponding to the amount contributed:
- 10 euros: register for an O'Reilly's EUROSCON passes (2 to be randomly selected); you need to have a FOSDEM account too !
- 25 euros: t-shirt
- 50 euros: t-shirt + pocket guide + entrance to buffet if available
- 100 euros: t-shirt + O'Reilly book + entrance to buffet if available + 50% reduction on a Peplink product (MANGA Plus)
- 150 euros: tshirt + O'Reilly book + participation in the draw to win 5 books of your choice from O'Reilly (2 winners of 5 books) + entrance to buffet if available.
You can't choose the book you get, but it may be possible to exchange your book with other visitors if you would prefer.
You can send us donation when you want, but only the donations made before the Wed Feb 23, 2005 will be taken for these withdraws.
All donators of 25 euros or more enter a contest to win magazine subscriptions (English, Dutch, French and Spanish).
All donators of 50 euros or more can come to the saturday buffet if they confirm their venue and if there is enough space.
FOSDEM ASBL/VZW (the non-profit association) was founded in April 2002. Donations will sadly enough not be tax deductible.
So, how can I contribute to FOSDEM?
First, you need an account on http://www.fosdem.org. Please fill all fields. After that, it's as simple as a bank transfer to the following account number :
Account | Account holder | Bank information | 310-1613048-24 SWIFT CODE: BBRUBEBB IBAN: BE81 3101 6130 4824 | FOSDEM Asbl Lepelstraat 68 B-3000 Leuven BELGIUM | ING Belgium Avenue Marnixlaan, 24 B-1000 Brussels BELGIUM |
Write, as reference (communication), the login of your account on www.fosdem.org .
To avoid any problems in the future, read the following VERY CAREFULLY: you don't buy these items from FOSDEM. We give this to you to thank you for your support. We don't guarantee anything. In case of problems (whatever that may be), we can't give you your money back.
For further questions, you can send a mail to support@fosdem.org
