Fosdem folks
After some mails on the OSDEM mailing list, some people want to give their free times to feed the FOSDEM site with cool articles about previous edition, speakers that will come, open source and free software news.
Here is the core team involved in this crazy adventure :
You can contact these people thru the FOSDEM mailing list or directly for all suggestion/comment you want to see here.
There are of course many other people helping us to do lots of things. We especially need to thank the Cercle Informatique of the ULB who has helped us from the start and without who the FOSDEM would not be what it is today.
Other people we need to thank:
- Argon7 team (Fabien Fauchet, Yves Deplasse and Joelle Francois)
- Koenraad Heijlen
- Geert Poels
- Alexandre Dulaunoy
- Jan Gyselinck
- Sven Clarysse
- Ramses Smeyers
- Thierry Geers
- David Van Der Linden
- Cedric Gavage
- Arnaud Vandyck
- Frederic Brugmans
- ... and many other.
