FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

Mark Riddoch
Day Sunday
Room H.1309
Capacity 150
Start time 12:30
End time 12:55
Duration 00:25
Track MySQL and Friends Devroom

Optimising SQL applications by using client side tools

Much is discussed regarding query optimisers within database server, attention is not always paid however to the actual queries that are passed to a database server to execute and the value of those queries within an application context.

No matter how good a query optimiser is it can not match the performance improvement that can be gained by not running a particular query at all, retrieving smaller result sets or running queries less frequently.

We will discuss some methods to investigate the SQL your application is sending to your MySQL server, and examine some techniques to visualise the cost of the interactions your application has with the MySQL database.