FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

Wouter Verhelst
Day Sunday
Room H.1308
Start time 16:15
End time 17:00
Duration 00:45
Event type Podium
Track Distributions
Language English
Debian Secrets: power tools for power users

This talk will highlight some Debian-specific tools, explain what they do, and how they are useful for both Debian packagers and users.

We hope to compare these tools against similar tools in other distributions.

It is a reworked version of a talk that has been done at DebConf8, where the target audience were power users.

Other events at the same time:

When Event Track Where
15:00-16:30 LPI exam session 5 Certification Guillissen
15:45-16:30 Upgrading Drupal H.2214
16:00-16:45 CouchDB! REST and Database! Database Chavanne
16:00-16:45 Inside StatusNet: How Works Scalability Janson
16:00-16:30 Haiku has No Future Alt-OS AW1.105
16:00-16:30 OSCTool - learning C# and Mono by doing Mono H.2213
16:00-16:45 X on e-Paper AW1.124
16:00-16:45 Open Accessibility Everywhere: software from AEGIS CrossDesktop H.1309
16:00-17:00 ARM and DSP talking to each other in OMAP3: the dspbridge Embedded Lameere
16:00-16:45 Tracking FreeBSD customizations with a local Mercurial branch BSD AW1.126
16:15-16:30 jpoker: a pure javascript poker client Lightning Talks Ferrer
16:15-16:45 Gearman for MySQL MySQL AW1.121
16:15-17:00 Mozilla Panel Discussion Mozilla H.1301
16:15-17:00 SUSE Studio Distributions H.1302
16:15-16:45 Designing a scalable content management system on NoSQL technologies NoSQL AW1.120
16:30-16:45 Extended File Attributes, how can we keep them around? Alt-OS AW1.105
16:30-16:45 Smuxi - IRC in a modern environment Mono H.2213
16:30-17:00 Porting Cocoa apps to other platforms: what works, what doesn't, what to do to make porting easier GNUstep AW1.117
16:30-16:45 IcedTea NP Plugin: the next generation Open Source Java Plugin Free Java AW1.125
16:30-17:15 Drupal and the semantic web Drupal H.2214
16:45-17:00 Alt-OS devroom Wrap up Alt-OS AW1.105
16:45-17:00 Closing Mono H.2213
16:45-17:00 NoSQL closing NoSQL AW1.120