These pages have been archived.
For information about the latest FOSDEM edition please check this url:
Video recordings online
You might have noticed the videos of the Main Tracks and Lightning Talks are already online on our different mirrors. Round robin loadbalancing is performed using the following link:
From now on we also publish the videos on YouTube. Google upgraded our account so we can now upload videos without time-limitation. This means you can watch any video streamed and in one single part.
Our official channel page is:
We are trying to collect recordings of the many developer rooms.
Thanks, volunteers!
Another FOSDEM is behind us, and this edition was the best ever! This was in no small manner aided by our enthousiastic army of volunteers who helped with the setup, moderation, infodesk and various crucial tasks. I would like to take a moment to thank them for all their effort. Without you guys this would not have been possible.
Thanks, volunteers! I'm looking forward to working with you again next year...
Video recordings online in approx 1 week
The video recordings should be online in approximately one week. They will be released in an adequate Creative Commons license.
Donations draw result
O'Reilly Books
- Olivier Nicolas
- Etienne Saliez
The above persons can email to know the details on how to get the books.
Nokia N900
- Alex Dulaunoy
- Michael Sawicz
- Luca Capello
Luca was present this Sunday, so he has already received his new phone ... Alex and Michael will be contacted by email.
Linux Magazine
Keysigning: master hashes of list of participants
The FOSDEM 2010 keysigning party is now taking place outside. If you were
in room Ferrer on time, you would have been able to read the master hashes from the projector. If not, find them on
Acceptable use policy of BELNET / FOSDEM Internet services
- The customer commits to act conform to the norms and protocols of Internet.
- The customer may only use the BELNET network under strict legal regulation. Any use which is in violation of Belgian or international laws is forbidden. As an active member of ISPA Belgium (Internet Service Providers Association of Belgium), BELNET totally complies to the "Collaboration protocol in order to fight against illegitimate acts on Internet". In case of suspicion of illegal acts from the customer, BELNET will collaborate, within the strict scope defined by the law, with the judicial power to help them with their investigation duties.
- It is forbidden to use BELNET for any activity having as consequence:
- Unauthorized access to third party data;
- Harming operational activities of BELNET or of Internet in general;
- Harming the use or performance of Internet services for other users;
- Wasting (human, network, computer) resources;
- Completely or partially destroying the integrity of computer data;
- Compromising the privacy of users;
- Using the network in order to send messages which are classified in the categories "harassment" or "spam".
- The use of the BELNET network is reserved to public services, education and research. Commercial use as well as intensive personal use is forbidden.
Feedback form
FOSDEM lives thanks to its visitors. Please tell us what you think about it and help us make it better.
(Marks: 5 means excellent, 0 means it was awful)
Follow live info on twitter
If you want to have live updates of FOSDEM, make sure you follow us on twitter.
Network up and running
The network is up and running. Enjoy the internet over IPv4 and IPv6