Keysigning: master hashes of list of participants
The FOSDEM 2010 keysigning party is now taking place outside. If you were
in room Ferrer on time, you would have been able to read the master hashes from the projector. If not, find them on
Network up and running
The network is up and running. Enjoy the internet over IPv4 and IPv6
FOSDEM Beer Event
As every year, there will be a FOSDEM beer event on Friday night before FOSDEM (February 5th 2010).
As in 2009, this year's event will take place at the Delirium Café, in a beautiful alley near the Grand'Place in Brussels. In addition to the enormous variety in beers, the location also has enough room to accommodate the vast crowd of geeks we tend to be.
Keysigning: six days to submit your key!
With six days to go before the key submission deadline, 128 keys have been received by the keyserver. While this is a nice round number, surely we can do better than that. There is still time to submit your key to take part in the keysigning. Why wait? Do it now.
Please remember that the submission deadline is Monday 1 February 2010.
For more information, see
New to FOSDEM ?
The way FOSDEM works is a little different from other conferences:
- Entrance is free, but donations are welcome
- There is no registration, just come to the campus and enjoy the conference
- It's a technical conference, don't expect marketing/sponsored-talks
- It's not a bad idea to make a list of must-see lectures beforehand. Check out the Main Tracks, Developer Rooms, Lightning Talks and Stands
- If you arrive on friday, check out our Beer Event
- When you arrive on the campus check out our infodesk. You'll get a free bag with some goodies and our information/schedule brochure with maps and other info
There are a lot more things to see during the conference like keysigning, LPI exams, food, drinks, free transportation,... check out the links in the left menu.
Are you going to ...?
If you are coming to FOSDEM, spead the word with the usual image on your blog...
<a href=""><img src="" alt="I'm going to FOSDEM, the Free and Open Source Software Developers' European Meeting" /></a>
Certification Exams
Certification exam sessions will again be offered at FOSDEM 2010.
The Linux Professional Institute, the BSD Certification Group and TYPO3 will organize exam sessions during FOSDEM 2010. Interested candidates can now register for exams with the respective certification groups.
The schedule for the exam sessions is also available now.
FOSDEM multiplies things by 10
For our 10th edition we multiply by 10
- The Spouses / Partners Tour will have two groups a day, doubling the capacity.
- Last year we introduced the FOSDEM bus driving every 50 minutes on Sunday afternoon. And extra bus will lower the waiting time to max 25 minutes.
- For the catering: expect a second fries van. So let's halve the queue.
- We ask our visitors to apply seat defragmentation to double the capacity of the rooms.
Web of Trust
PGP public key and CAcert certificate identification are based on multiple (the more the better) people doing an identification check against official identity documents such as driving permits, passports, national identity cards, etc.: the Web of Trustworthy. The Web of Trust is a reciprocal process: people identify themselves to each other.
The "keysigning party" is essential to strengthen the Web of Trust and keep the security technique open and freely available.
Like previous years, there will be a PGP key signing and CAcert assurance party at FOSDEM 2010. user and group created!
A long forgotten task was to create a FOSDEM account on We just did that and you are welcome to subscribe to our fosdem dents!
We also created a group that you can join! You can find the group information here