FOSDEM '09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.

Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett
Day Sunday
Room H.2214
Start time 13:30
End time 14:15
Duration 00:45
Event type Podium
Track openSUSE
Language English
YaST2 - Future Roadmap

On openSUSE 11.0, YaST came out with new features like a themable look and a robust & fast package manager. 11.1 came out with more robust solving and various minor features.

In this talk we will present all the features that have high priority for the next openSUSE release and areas where we are doing research that will eventually be features in future versions.

Other events at the same time:

When Event Track Where
12:00-14:00 KeySigning Party Lightning Talks Ferrer
13:00-14:30 LPI exam session 4 LPI Certification Guillissen
13:00-13:45 CMake - what can it do for your project CrossDesktop H.1301
13:00-14:00 Securing CentOS with SELinux Fedora+CentOS H.2213
13:00-14:00 Release management in Debian - can we do better? Debian AW1.121
13:00-14:00 Ada informal discussions Lunch Time Ada AW1.124
13:00-14:00 Importing data with job queue and import manager Drupal H.1302
13:15-14:15 MySQL, powering and using Social Networks MySQL AW1.126
13:30-14:15 On objects, classes, binding and scoping in Ruby Ruby and Rails AW1.120
13:30-14:00 User Groups: Leading without being in charge BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
13:45-14:30 WebKit on ebook readers CrossDesktop H.1301
14:00-15:00 MediaWiki Collaboration Chavanne
14:00-15:00 Syslinux and the dynamic x86 boot process Kernel Janson
14:00-16:00 Mozilla Marketing Café Mozilla AW1.105
14:00-14:15 Introducing FreedroidRPG, a great FOSS isometric RPG Lightning Talks Ferrer
14:00-15:00 MaRTE-OS Ada AW1.124
14:00-15:00 Large CentOS LDAP Deployments Fedora+CentOS H.2213
14:00-15:00 r600_demo: Programming the New GPU Generations from AMD H.1309
14:00-14:15 JamVM Free Java AW1.125
14:00-14:45 Moving Content from Staging to Live Server Drupal H.1302
14:00-15:00 Lenny - the road to release Debian AW1.121
14:00-15:00 GroupDAV/CalDAV Implementors Meeting GNUstep+OpenGroupware+Etoile AW1.117
14:00-15:00 Advanced powermanagement for OMAP3 Embedded Lameere
14:00-14:30 Introduction to recursive queries BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
14:00-14:45 Prism Mozilla H.1308