Archive of FOSDEM 2009
These pages have been archived.
For information about the latest FOSDEM edition please check this url:
FOSDEM 2009 Recordings
You might have noticed the videos are already online on our different mirrors. Round robin loadbalancing is performed using the following link:
From now on we also publish the videos on YouTube. Google upgraded our account so we can now upload videos without time-limitation. This means you can watch any video streamed and in one single part.
Our official channel page is:
Thank you, volunteers!
FOSDEM was a success again, not in small part thanks to the efforts of the army of volunteers who helped us run things smoothly. Thank you all for your enthousiasm and your energy. We couldn't have managed without you.
Working with you guys & gals was refreshing as always, and I hope we can do this again next year. But first, some hard needed rest!
FOSDEM 2009 is over
FOSDEM 2009 is over. We hope you enjoyed it and we are looking forward to seeing you again next year.
Right now, rest is needed.

Room error in booklet !
The rooms of the Main Tracks are not correct in the booklet
The website is correct, here's the correct information:
Janson : Kernel Track (Syslinux, ext4, System slow)
Chavanne : Collaboration (MediaWiki, Zarafa, CalDAV)
Feedback form
Job Corner
Like previous edition we are proud to announce companies will be able to inform you (our visitors) about job opportunities in open source or free software.
The job corner will be around the end of the main hallway (H building).
Read more to check the rules.
Printable schedule available
A printable version of the complete FOSDEM 2009 schedule is available as a PDF, compiled on 6 pages: download
The information folder/booklet is available as well, from here: (8.4MB PDF)
Last speaker interviews
To finish our collection of informative interviews with FOSDEM 2009 main track speakers, we proudly present:
See you at FOSDEM!Announcing Beer Distribution v3.1
This Friday, 6 February 2009, the annual FOSDEM Beer Event will take place at the Delirium Café near the Grand'Place in Brussels. Be there!
With a large crowd such as ours, distributing beer is challenging both in terms of latency (getting beer to geeks as quickly as possible) and in terms of throughput (getting as much beer to as many geeks as possible).
Like every year, we have made some improvements and optimizations to the now notorious "Beer Distribution Algorithm". Please familiarize yourself with BDAv3.1 as described here and help us make this event the greatest ever.