FOSDEM '09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.

Kaj Arnö
Day Sunday
Room AW1.126
Start time 13:15
End time 14:15
Duration 01:00
Event type Podium
Track MySQL
Language English
MySQL, powering and using Social Networks

MySQL runs a large number of the social networks of today. LinkedIn, Facebook, Flickr, Dopplr, Doodle and many other social websites run on MySQL.

It's a privilege for MySQL to be part of the fabric of tomorrow. However, MySQL is still not *using* these social networks in an optimal way. For his overview, Kaj has guinea-pig tested a number of social networks and shares his experiences, with a particular emphasis on what the social network in question can do for MySQL users, customers and employees.

Other events at the same time:

When Event Track Where
12:00-14:00 KeySigning Party Lightning Talks Ferrer
12:45-13:30 openSUSE on Netbooks openSUSE H.2214
13:00-14:30 LPI exam session 4 LPI Certification Guillissen
13:00-13:45 CMake - what can it do for your project CrossDesktop H.1301
13:00-14:00 Securing CentOS with SELinux Fedora+CentOS H.2213
13:00-14:00 Release management in Debian - can we do better? Debian AW1.121
13:00-14:00 Ada informal discussions Lunch Time Ada AW1.124
13:00-13:30 Migration from informix to PostgreSQL at VPRO BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
13:00-14:00 Importing data with job queue and import manager Drupal H.1302
13:30-14:15 On objects, classes, binding and scoping in Ruby Ruby and Rails AW1.120
13:30-14:00 User Groups: Leading without being in charge BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
13:30-14:15 YaST2 - Future Roadmap openSUSE H.2214
13:45-14:30 WebKit on ebook readers CrossDesktop H.1301
14:00-15:00 MediaWiki Collaboration Chavanne
14:00-15:00 Syslinux and the dynamic x86 boot process Kernel Janson
14:00-16:00 Mozilla Marketing Café Mozilla AW1.105
14:00-14:15 Introducing FreedroidRPG, a great FOSS isometric RPG Lightning Talks Ferrer
14:00-15:00 MaRTE-OS Ada AW1.124
14:00-15:00 Large CentOS LDAP Deployments Fedora+CentOS H.2213
14:00-15:00 r600_demo: Programming the New GPU Generations from AMD H.1309
14:00-14:15 JamVM Free Java AW1.125
14:00-14:45 Moving Content from Staging to Live Server Drupal H.1302
14:00-15:00 Lenny - the road to release Debian AW1.121
14:00-15:00 GroupDAV/CalDAV Implementors Meeting GNUstep+OpenGroupware+Etoile AW1.117
14:00-15:00 Advanced powermanagement for OMAP3 Embedded Lameere
14:00-14:30 Introduction to recursive queries BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
14:00-14:45 Prism Mozilla H.1308