FOSDEM '08 is a free and non-commercial event organised by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


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LPI and BSDA Certification Schedule and room change

The schedules of the LPI and exam sessions are now available:

The exams won't take place in the room "Lameere" as initially announced but instead in Guillissen (for LPI) and Decroly (for BSDA) instead.
Both are in the same U building as Lameere and signalisation will be provided.

Developer Room Schedules available

The Developer Room Schedules are finally available.

OLPC Europe Kickoff Meeting

FOSDEM 2008 will host a kickoff meeting for OLPC Europe, organized and hosted by Holger Levsen.

Lightning Talks announcement

After receiving more then 70 lightning talk proposals, we had to make the hard choice of selecting 34 of them.

We grouped the projects in special 'thema hours'. Every hour consists of 3 talks: each 15 minutes with a 5 minute break in between. Read more to see the tentative schedule, it will be added to the schedule page as the projects confirm.

Call for volunteers

Less than 3 weeks until FOSDEM, how time flies... Yes, it's almost that time of the year again... With over 200 talks and more than 4000 geeks to cater to, this means a lot of work.

That's why we're calling on you, our beloved visitors, to lend a hand during the event and help us make this edition at least as good, and if possible even better, than the years before.

Main track Schedule published

Some of you might have noticed it, but the Main Track Schedule is online.
We didn't announce it immediately as there were a few changes pending, but it should be OK now.

You will notice we have something special to close this FOSDEM edition. It it called The Endgame and will bring different known people together.
A few words to describe it: Fun, original, interactive, comic.

In the Web track Rogan Dawes will tell us something secure web-programming and the use of the OWASP WebScarab-NG web-auditing-tool.

Unfortunately we had to cancel the invitation for Nexuiz, but we did our best to fill it in with a very interesting and newsworthy Crystalspace3D . You have probably read quite some news lately about Peach and Apricot, a joint project between Blender and Crystalspace3D. Oh, yes it'll be Jorrit Tyberghein that will give this lecture.

BSDA Certification Exam registration open

You may now register for the BSDA exam sessions that will be held at FOSDEM 2008.

Pricing and schedule is available as well (follow the link above).

FOSDEM Live Streaming

Linux Magazine

Thanks to our Main sponsor Linux Magazine, the FOSDEM 2008 main track talks held in Janson will be available as a live stream on Saturday and Sunday.

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