Lightning Talks announcement
After receiving more then 70 lightning talk proposals, we had to make the hard choice of selecting 34 of them.
Here are the projects that got accepted: we grouped them in special 'thema hours'. Every hour consists of 3 talks: each 15 minutes with a 5 minute break in between.
Saturday, 14u - 15u: digital rights and restrictions (Openingtalk, EFF and OpenTC)
Saturday, 15u - 16u: profiling/scaling (IOGrind, ZapCat and Terracotta)
Saturday, 16u - 17u: digital knowledge (Dacco, Indywiki and Kettle)
Saturday, 17u - 18u: data management (Alfresco, Stylebase for Eclipse and Bongo)
Saturday, 18u - 19u: discoveries (OpenAFS, GGZ and Squaek)
Sunday, 09u20 - 10u: integrations (Cloudbridge and Sepia)
Sunday, 10u - 11u: virtuality (Ganeti, Open VM Tools and VIEW-OS)
Sunday, 11u - 12u: packaging (Hildon, Foresight and Polippix)
Sunday, 14u - 15u: 3 dimensions (Tangogps, Wir3d and K-3D)
Sunday, 15u - 16u: the web (Mysql Proxy, ArchetypeJS, Ajatus)
Sunday, 16u - 17u: future house (Minerva, Bluepad, Coherence)
Sunday, 17u - 18u: music time (Miro, XMMS2, Songbird)
Note that this schedule is tentative: as the projects will confirm their talk, the full information will be added to the schedule.