A communication system for a government department. The application provides the user interface for a system that is running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The app is responsible for showing a continuously updated audit logging window, setting up comms parameters, starting and stopping the background comms programs (which are written in C), and allowing the users to view individual messages, message queues, log files and for general access to the system, e.g. backups/restores, config changes, file loads etc.
A project for a private language school to recode two programs which are running under VB. One of them is a database for the students which includes financial features and its own printing system. Making layout of the printing forms for it easier is the task of the second program, a form editor with WYSIWYG preview. The database has 12000+ codelines in VB, the form editor is much smaller. And I started with the form editor because without it, all printing in the database won't be possible.
An image processing application for interlacing lenticular graphics using Gambas.The project (LILi) is hosted on Sourceforge and is currently at version 0.34. Most image processing is handled by ImageMagick functions, called from LILi, while Gambas provides an easy to use GUI and all the program logic. It's already very functional and can handle any type of lenticular lens panel for vertical or horizontal interlacing. It can output images for 3D effects or animations. LILi features single image and bulk loading, inline editing (still to be completed), animated previewing, very fine pitch adjustment, job logging, error logging (still to be completed), single or batch mode processing, output in various image formats and will also support output straight to print.
...and so on.
FOSDEM - What do you expect from your FOSDEM talk ?
Benoît Minisini - I want to clear up many misunderstanding about Gambas, and I want to talk about the features I want to implement (like storing object automagically, designing reports and web development) that will make Gambas more original than it is at the moment.
And I want to get autographs
will take place
in Brussels
during week-end
Feb 26&27