Online / 6 & 7 February 2021



Day Start End Track(s)
Sunday 10:00 18:00 Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sunday A few patterns (and one antipattern) you might see only in Raku
A few constructs that might make Raku interesting for programmers of big & small languages alike
The Fuzion Language
Combining safety and analysability with high performance - while distracted by a 🐶
What's next for Teal, the typed dialect of Lua A Lisp REPL as my main shell
The shell is dead, long live the REPL!
GNU Mes - the Full Source Bootstrap
Reproducibility is not enough: The missing link between stage0/M2-Planet and Mes
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
The Why
Compiling to WebAssembly
Notes from the trenches
Semantically meaningful S-expression diff
Tree-diff for lisp source code
Making a simple language is complicated
Humans are so illogical
Declaratively yours
Composing system abstractions with GNU Guix
Is GNU Guix a minimal distribution, and what might that even mean? Spritely Goblins: a distributed journey miniKanren: a minimal declarative language for relational programming Nyxt browser
configurable computing
Ordered Key-Value Stores
A minimalist's database
Optimising for humans
Nim meta-programming for 0-cost abstraction on microcontrollers


Title Track Start End


  A few patterns (and one antipattern) you might see only in Raku
A few constructs that might make Raku interesting for programmers of big & small languages alike
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 10:00 10:30
  The Fuzion Language
Combining safety and analysability with high performance - while distracted by a 🐶
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 10:30 10:50
  What's next for Teal, the typed dialect of Lua Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 10:50 11:20
  A Lisp REPL as my main shell
The shell is dead, long live the REPL!
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 11:20 11:50
  GNU Mes - the Full Source Bootstrap
Reproducibility is not enough: The missing link between stage0/M2-Planet and Mes
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 11:50 12:05
  Declarative and Minimalistic Computing
The Why
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 12:05 12:25
  Compiling to WebAssembly
Notes from the trenches
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 12:25 13:05
  Semantically meaningful S-expression diff
Tree-diff for lisp source code
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 13:05 13:25
  Making a simple language is complicated
Humans are so illogical
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 13:25 13:55
  Declaratively yours
Composing system abstractions with GNU Guix
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 13:55 14:50
  Is GNU Guix a minimal distribution, and what might that even mean? Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 14:50 15:15
  Spritely Goblins: a distributed journey Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 15:15 16:00
  miniKanren: a minimal declarative language for relational programming Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 16:00 16:45
  Nyxt browser
configurable computing
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 16:45 17:10
  Ordered Key-Value Stores
A minimalist's database
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 17:10 17:30
  Optimising for humans
Nim meta-programming for 0-cost abstraction on microcontrollers
Declarative and Minimalistic Computing 17:30 18:00