The Apache OpenOffice Documentation
- Track: Apache OpenOffice devroom
- Room: D.apache.openoffice
- Day: Saturday
- Start: 14:30
- End: 15:15
- Video with Q&A: D.apacheopenoffice
- Video only: D.apacheopenoffice
- Chat: Join the conversation!
Working with OpenOffice in the documentation effort is rewarding and benefits the community! Join me to discuss documentation!
The transcript for this presentation is attached.
The presentation editable designs in Draw - see link for template.
Step 1. Draw edits for design
- Download template
- Open in Draaw
- Edit
Step 2. Create Presentation
1.Copy page from Draw 2.Paste slide to Impress. 3. Place image of presenter in Master slide 4. Review impress slides with master image 5. Start Presentation mode 6. Begin recording session
Very little editing at all with this method.
Note: Original designs using venngage. In accordance with the Terms of Service, output PDF, import PDF to Draw for editable free content. GFDL.
Marcia Wilbur |