Lakshmi Narasimhan Parthasarathy & Jordan Ryan - High Availability Mautic
- Track: Mautic stand
- Room: S.mautic
- Day: Sunday
- Start: 18:00
- End: 19:00
- Visit: Visit the stand
- Chat: Join the conversation!

In this talk we will be discussing what it takes to run Mautic in High Availability settings, specifically what resources are available in the community, where there are gaps, and what you can do to manage them.
We will cover:
- HA Solutions in Mautic Community
- LEMP vs. LAMP Stack
- Mautic & Environment Variables
- Solutions Missing from Multi-Stage Mautic Development
- Future Improvements We'd Like to See (Tracking Pixel, Microservices, & more)
- How we've built a Mautic Kubernetes distribution, complete with Helm charts, to help manage deploying this infrastructure in HA.
Visit the Lakshmi Narasimhan Parthasarathy & Jordan Ryan - High Availability Mautic at