FOSDEM is the biggest free and non-commercial event organized by and for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

Michael Meeks
Day Sunday
Room H.2214
Capacity 100
Start time 12:30
End time 13:00
Duration 00:30
Track LibreOffice devroom

Easy hacks to get involved with

eat and absorb easy hacks

Find out how easy it is to get involved developing LibreOffice

The LibreOffice project has a load of easy hacks listed, that you can use as a ladder to climb into the code. Come and hear how you can get started with some really easy things, and move on to some of the more interesting problems in the code-base. Come and suggest tweaks and improvements that you think could be turned into an easy hack for others to work on.

Next (up to 3) talks in the same room (H.2214):

When Event Track
13:00-13:30 The Document Foundation LibreOffice
13:30-14:00 Kicking off the LibreOffice design team LibreOffice
14:00-14:45 Impress Hacking LibreOffice