FOSDEM '10 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet. No registration necessary.

Lluis Sanchez Gual
Day Sunday
Room H.2213
Start time 09:15
End time 10:00
Duration 00:45
Event type Podium
Track Mono
Language English

MonoDevelop is an open source IDE primarily designed for C# and other .NET languages.

MonoDevelop enables developers to quickly write desktop and ASP.NET Web applications on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. MonoDevelop makes it easy for developers to port .NET applications created with Visual Studio to Linux and to maintain a single code base for all platforms.

In this talk, I'll show the features of the recently released MonoDevelop 2.2, and a sneak peak of what we are planning for the next release. It will be a practical session with examples of how to use and extend MonoDevelop.