FOSDEM '09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.


Speaker: Robert Watson

Event Track Day Room Start time Duration
Welcome to the PostgreSQL and *BSD devroom BSD+PostgreSQL Saturday UA2.114 13:00 00:30

Robert Watson

Robert is a well-known member of the FreeBSD Core Team, security officer team and release engineering team, as well as an active developer in the areas of security and file systems.

Robert is currently working on a PhD at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, after spending about six years in industry working in commercial and government-sponsored operating system and network security research and development. His services are available as a private consultant and independent contractor working in operating system design and implementation, network protocol design and implementation, and systems security.

He is well known for being a member of the FreeBSD Core Team, security officer team, and release engineering team, and an active developer in the areas of security and file systems. Furthermore, he Robert was president of the board of the FreeBSD Foundation in 2003.

Robert founded the TrustedBSD Project in 1999 as well as the OpenBSM Project in 2005, which provide trusted operating system and audit extensions on the FreeBSD platform. Significant results of his work have now been integrated into the FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, and Mac OS X operating systems, as well as many commercial products. While at Carnegie Mellon, he worked with the Coda Project, a weak consistency distributed file system aiming for improved support for mobility and fault tolerance.