FOSDEM '09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.

Jean-Baptiste Escoyez
Day Sunday
Room AW1.120
Start time 14:45
End time 15:15
Duration 00:30
Event type Podium
Track Ruby and Rails
Language English
Ruby and Java: What are the differences?

Ruby is quite often presented as the Java successor. This is a highly controversial purpose. However, when you start a new project it can be important to know what are the advantages of these two great languages. In this talk, we will present their differences.

Java is a well-established and well-known language. In opposite, Ruby is a rising star which is not mastered by everybody yet. When you start to develop a new project you have to make a language choice. It is not always easy to choose between learning an exciting new language or relying on a popular highly-used one.

In this talk, I will discuss the pros and cons of Ruby and Java, what are the best trade-offs for your application and what are the performance differences. I will show that it is not that complicated to learn Ruby coming from Java. From a business point of view, I will also explain why a good language choice can help you saving money.

Here is a brief talk summary :

  • Ruby vs. Java syntax
  • Interpreted or compiled languages
  • Dynamic typing
  • Metaprogramation
  • Language related philosophies
  • Performance comparison
We will also have a quick peek at JRuby, the Ruby interpreter build upon JVM.

Other events at the same time:

When Event Track Where
14:00-15:00 MediaWiki Collaboration Chavanne
14:00-15:00 Syslinux and the dynamic x86 boot process Kernel Janson
14:00-16:00 Mozilla Marketing Café Mozilla AW1.105
14:00-15:00 MaRTE-OS Ada AW1.124
14:00-15:00 Large CentOS LDAP Deployments Fedora+CentOS H.2213
14:00-15:00 r600_demo: Programming the New GPU Generations from AMD H.1309
14:00-15:00 Lenny - the road to release Debian AW1.121
14:00-15:00 GroupDAV/CalDAV Implementors Meeting GNUstep+OpenGroupware+Etoile AW1.117
14:00-15:00 Advanced powermanagement for OMAP3 Embedded Lameere
14:15-15:00 Percona MySQL patches and the XtraDB storage engine MySQL AW1.126
14:30-15:15 Xfce as a Platform CrossDesktop H.1301
14:30-15:00 SQL/MED BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
14:45-15:30 Architecture of Collaboration openSUSE H.2214
14:45-15:15 JNode Free Java AW1.125
14:45-15:30 Drupal Showcase: Cultural Activities in Flanders Drupal H.1302
14:45-15:30 Mobile/Fennec Mozilla H.1308
15:00-16:00 Easy Integration with plugin frameworks for open source Zarafa Groupware and advanced replication Collaboration Chavanne
15:00-16:00 Ext4 Kernel Janson
15:00-15:15 PyRoom - distraction free writing Lightning Talks Ferrer
15:00-16:30 LPI exam session 5 LPI Certification Guillissen
15:00-16:00 GNATBench: Ada programming with Eclipse Ada AW1.124
15:00-16:00 Boost performance with MySQL 5.1 partitions MySQL AW1.126
15:00-16:00 Cobbler & Koan Fedora+CentOS H.2213
15:00-16:00 LLVM + Gallium 3D: Mixing a compiler with a graphics framework H.1309
15:00-16:00 The long road to KDE4 in Debian Debian AW1.121
15:00-16:30 Emdebian 1.0 release - small & super small Debian Embedded Lameere
15:00-16:00 Filesystem I/O From a Database Perspective BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114