FOSDEM '09 is a free and non-commercial event organized by the community, for the community. Its goal is to provide Free and Open Source developers a place to meet.

Lillian Angel
Day Saturday
Room AW1.125
Start time 15:00
End time 15:30
Duration 00:30
Event type Podium
Track Free Java
Language English
The state of IcedTea

Objective: To introduce IcedTea and lead into the talks given by the other IcedTea developers present.

Where is IcedTea now? What has happened since FOSDEM 2008?

  • History of IcedTea
  • Progress
  • Releases
  • Improved community relationships
What is the difference between (proper) OpenJDK and IcedTea?
  • Javaws (demo), visualvm (demo)
  • PulseAudio/Gervill integration
Mauve and JTreg comparisons with OpenJDK. Packaging for Fedora
  • process
  • patches that need to be applied
  • specifics on building
Looking forward
  • What are we doing now? where are we going?
  • How what we complained about last year at FOSDEM has been acknowledged and fixed (patches, repositories)

Other events at the same time:

When Event Track Where
14:00-15:30 LPI exam session 1 LPI Certification Guillissen
14:00-16:00 Public Meeting of the Open Source Initiative (OSI) Open Source Initiative AW1.105
14:15-15:15 Introduction to Java development with AW1.126
14:45-15:30 Collaboration in the openSUSE Build Service openSUSE H.2214
14:45-15:15 Mozilla and Universities Mozilla H.1308
15:00-16:00 The Fedora Project Distributions Janson
15:00-16:00 Reverse Engineering of Proprietary Protocols, Tools and Techniques Development and Languages Chavanne
15:00-16:00 GNAT Programming Studio Ada AW1.124
15:00-15:45 KOffice 2.0: KOffice coming to KDE4 KDE H.1301
15:00-15:45 The Sugar platform GNOME H.1302
15:00-16:00 The Rebuilt Linux Desktop H.1309
15:00-16:00 Future Fedora-fr challenges Fedora+CentOS H.2213
15:00-15:30 Geolocation Jabber+XMPP AW1.120
15:00-16:00 Introducing DDE, Debian Data Export Debian AW1.121
15:00-16:00 Cross-Platform Objective-C Development using GNUstep GNUstep+OpenGroupware+Etoile AW1.117
15:00-15:15 FLOSSMetrics: providing data about FLOSS development Lightning Talks Ferrer
15:00-16:00 Dynamic voltage and current regulator interface for the Linux kernel Embedded Lameere
15:00-16:00 UTF-8 support for syscons, new TTY layer BSD+PostgreSQL UA2.114
15:15-17:15 Extensions in Java – do it yourself AW1.126
15:15-15:30 Why you should use Bazaar for maintaining your OSS project Lightning Talks Ferrer
15:15-16:00 What's next after Firefox 3.1 Mozilla H.1308