[ 30-01-2006 ] LPI exams
There are lots of people registering for the LPI exams. That is great, since for the 3 best scores, the exam fee will be refunded by a sponsor.
Many of you are also asking us which exams will be available. Currently only the LPIC-1 exams will be available, both of them, so that people can get their 101 and 102 certificate at FOSDEM.
[ 29-01-2006 ] Call for donators
Once again, we are asking you to help us keeping FOSDEM "free as a beer" ... once again, we are asking people to help us by making a donation ... but once again, we are providing some gifts back to our donators.
For people giving more than :
25 euros : the FOSDEM T-shirt
50 euros : T-shirt + O'Reilly pocket guide
100 euros: T-shirt + O'Reilly book
150 euros: T-shirt + O'Reilly book + participation in the draw to get 5 books of your choice from O'Reilly (2 winners of 5 books).
200 euros: T-shirt + O'Reilly book + participation in the draw to receive 1 Sun Opteron workstation; we have 2 Sun workstations (Sun Ultra 20 with 1 GB, 80 GB HD, DVD, ...) to give to FOSDEM donators.
There will also be a draw for 2 passes to O'Reilly's EUROSCON 2006 for all 10 (or more) € donators that have an account on the FOSDEM website.
How to make a donation ? This is really easy : just follow the instructions on the support page
[ 23-01-2006 ] 3 free LPI Exams
Join the FOSDEM LPI-exams. The 3 best students get the exam fee for free,
thanks to the local FOSDEM sponsor Think Wize.
You can find more information about the exams on the LPI Exam wiki page
[ 22-01-2006 ] List of developers rooms online
From now on the list of developer rooms is online.
If you notice that some of the project-pages are not yet created (redirection to the news-page) this means that the developers of that room didn't published a project description yet.
Please be patient and check it a few days later.
Oh, btw: Don't forget to have a look at the main tracks.
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