Brussels / 4 & 5 February 2023


Network devroom

09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sunday Welcome to the Network devroom Peer-to-peer Browser Connectivity
Leveraging WebRTC and the new WebTransport protocol to connect libp2p browser nodes.
Snabbflow: a scalable IPFIX exporter
A tour of the IPFIX exporter developed at SWITCH
What is an IDS and Network Security Monitoring in 2023?
Monitoring, Detection, challenges and solutions while chasing APTs, CVEs and Ransomware.
DDoS attack detection with open source FastNetMon Community ntopng: an actionable event-driven network traffic analysis application
How ntopng can be used as a scriptable system capable of reacting to network events.
So you want to build a deterministic networking system
A gentle introduction to Time Sensitive Networking
Hole punching in the wild
Learnings from running libp2p hole punching in production, measured from vantage points across the globe.
"CNI Unleashed"
How to deal with CNI plugin chains.
Networking management made simple with Nmstate
Taming the internals of NetworkManager
prplMesh: open source Wi-Fi mesh
Solving home Wi-Fi
Service MESH without the MESS
Latest of eBPF Powered Cilium Service Mesh
MetalLB and FRR: a match made in heaven Decentralized Storage with IPFS
How does it work under the hood?
CNI Automagic: Device discovery for semantic network attachment in Kubernetes Golden Signals with Cilium and Grafana Need to connect your k8s pods to multiple networks? No problem [with calico/vpp]!
Multi-legged containers running wild with calico/vpp

Read the Call for Papers at

Event Speakers Start End


  Welcome to the Network devroom Luca Deri, Alfredo Cardigliano 09:00 09:05
  Peer-to-peer Browser Connectivity
Leveraging WebRTC and the new WebTransport protocol to connect libp2p browser nodes.
Max Leonard Inden 09:05 09:25
  Snabbflow: a scalable IPFIX exporter
A tour of the IPFIX exporter developed at SWITCH
Max Rottenkolber, Alexander Gall 09:25 09:45
  What is an IDS and Network Security Monitoring in 2023?
Monitoring, Detection, challenges and solutions while chasing APTs, CVEs and Ransomware.
Peter Manev, Eric Leblond 09:45 10:15
  DDoS attack detection with open source FastNetMon Community Pavel Odintsov 10:15 10:45
  ntopng: an actionable event-driven network traffic analysis application
How ntopng can be used as a scriptable system capable of reacting to network events.
Luca Deri, Alfredo Cardigliano 10:45 11:15
  So you want to build a deterministic networking system
A gentle introduction to Time Sensitive Networking
Johannes Zink 11:15 11:45
  Hole punching in the wild
Learnings from running libp2p hole punching in production, measured from vantage points across the globe.
Max Leonard Inden, Dennis Trautwein 11:45 12:15
  "CNI Unleashed"
How to deal with CNI plugin chains.
Miguel Barroso, Daniel Mellado 12:15 12:45
  Networking management made simple with Nmstate
Taming the internals of NetworkManager
Fernando Fernandez Mancera 12:45 13:15
  prplMesh: open source Wi-Fi mesh
Solving home Wi-Fi
Frederik Van Bogaert 13:15 13:45
  Service MESH without the MESS
Latest of eBPF Powered Cilium Service Mesh
Raymond de Jong 13:45 14:15
  MetalLB and FRR: a match made in heaven Federico Paolinelli 14:15 14:45
  Decentralized Storage with IPFS
How does it work under the hood?
Dennis Trautwein 14:45 15:15
  CNI Automagic: Device discovery for semantic network attachment in Kubernetes Douglas Smith 15:15 15:45
  Golden Signals with Cilium and Grafana Raymond de Jong 15:45 16:15
  Need to connect your k8s pods to multiple networks? No problem [with calico/vpp]!
Multi-legged containers running wild with calico/vpp
Nathan Skrzypczak 16:15 16:45