Online / 6 & 7 February 2021


Sushant Pandey

Photo of Sushant Pandey

Engineering Architect in the Microsoft India team specializing in relational databases. I have implemented solutions for customers across the globe (working as developer or as architect) with PostgreSQL on Azure and with dataviz applications for analytics such as MS-BI, PowerBI. I am currently focused on helping customers in their migration journeys from Oracle to Postgres, specifically to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL managed service. In addition to architecting migration journeys, I also help customers tune their Postgres deployments for performance as well. I am an active member of the worldwide technical communities for database services inside Microsoft. And I love PostgreSQL for so many reasons, especially its rich features and community support.


Title Day Room Track Start End
The Story About The Migration
The story about a challenging PoC that proved that Postgres can achieve the same performance as Oracle Exadata
Saturday D.postgresql PostgreSQL 13:30 14:00