Online / 6 & 7 February 2021


Ismael Perez Rojo

Photo of Ismael Perez Rojo

FPGA Engineer. Open source developer in TerosHDL.

Ismael studied electronic engineering and from the beginning was attracted by FPGA. Most of his work experience in different companies is in the field of FPGA and embedded systems. His day to day involves MCU, FPGA, DSP, image processing, RTL verification and, sometimes, DevOps. Some years ago started with some colleagues TerosHDL to improve the productivity in the daily work and close the gap between the sw and hw development tools. Right now Ismael works as freelance developing electronic products for other companies in fields like automotive, medical devices and high performance computing.



Title Day Room Track Start End
TerosHDL, an open HDL IDE
The goal of TerosHDL is make the VHDL/SV/Verilog development easier and reliable. It is a powerful open source IDE based on VSCode
Saturday D.embedded Embedded, Mobile and Automotive 17:00 17:15