Astrid Emde

Astrid Emde is an active member of OSGeo and a Charter Member since 2010. In 2017 she was elected to the OSGeo Board of Directors and as OSGeo Secretary. She recieved the Sol Katz Award in 2018 at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).
She is involved in the OSGeoLive project and in the Marketing Committee and loves to organize OSGeo Community Meetings like OSGeo Code Sprints.
She is also active in the german language OSGeo local chapter FOSSGIS e.V ( which organizes the annual FOSSGIS conference. At FOSSGIS e.V. she is in the marketing team, organizes booths on conferences like AGIT, INTERGEO and also organizes community meetings.
Astrid Emde is part of the Mapbender Team since more than 10 years and is part of the Mapbender PSC (Project Steering Committee). She works in Bonn at WhereGroup since many year and works as GIS Consultant on WebGIS solutions with FOSSGIS.
She lead several workshops and presentations on Mapbender, MapServer, GeoServer, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, OWS and SDI for example at FOSS4G, FOSSGIS, AGIT or INTERGEO. She is part of the trainer team of FOSS Academy the Training Institute of WhereGroup. She loves to spread the spirit of OSGeo & FOSSGIS!