Online / 6 & 7 February 2021


Is Rainfall Getting Heavier? Building a Weather Forecasting Pipeline with Singapore Weather Station Data

Using data-driven approaches for weather forecasting in the tropics

How many seasons does a tropical country like Singapore have? Is global warming real, and is rainfall getting heavier?  To answer these questions, I will show how we could use Requests and Pandas to build a data pipeline that extracts Singapore weather station data for a user-defined time period and explore the weather trends and seasons over the past few years.

Most of the world experience the four seasons, but how many seasons does a tropical country like Singapore have? Is rainfall getting heavier? We can get such insights from publicly-available weather data; however, we need to write scripts to make API requests to retrieve the data.

In this talk, I will be sharing about my approach in building a data pipeline that extracts Singapore weather station data from APIs for a user-defined time period using pandas. Based on the extracted data, I will also be using a data-driven approach to gain a better understanding on the weather trends and seasons over the past few years, and explore different approaches in forecasting future weather trends based on these insights.


Photo of Chin Hwee Ong Chin Hwee Ong
Photo of Xithrius Xithrius

